Best mineral rich foods

Minerals are essential nutrients that do not give you energy or calories but needed in small amounts to keep you body functioning healthy.

As minerals or not made in your body you definitely needs a nominal amounts of minerals added to your diet to meet daily needs. You should also consider the difference between micro and macro minerals and adjust your diet accordingly.

Best food with rich calcium

  • Calcium (healthy bones and teeth)
  • Magnesium (protein synthesis, muscle contraction, nerve transmission)
  • Phosphorus (PH balance & energy metabolism)
  • Potassium (water balance, nerve transmission, muscle contraction)
  • Sodium (internal hydration)
  • Chloride (controls cellular fluids, healthy teeth and hair)
  • Chromium (metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids)
  • Copper (formation of hemoglobin)
  • Iodine (healthy hair, skin, and nails.)
  • Iron (formation of red blood cells and facilitates oxygen transportation)
  • Fluoride (resistance to dental caries)
  • Manganese (promotes immunity, healthy skin, hair, and nails)
  • Selenium (protects against premature ageing, promotes immunity)
  • Zinc (wound healing; fetus and sperm development; immunity)

Does your diet contain sufficient levels of minerals?

Here I provide some basic information on best mineral rich food sources you can keep a track on and consume them on daily basis for a healthy body and soul.

Best sources of calcium

Best sources of calcium

The best sources of calcium are leafy vegetables, broccoli, seafood, raw nuts such as almonds and cashews, sesame seeds, whole grains, dairy produce like milk, cheese and yogurt, soybeans, tofu, and soymilk, tofu, broccoli and spinach.

Best sources of magnesium

Best sources of magnesium

Top magnesium high Foods

The best sources of magnesium are whole grains, nuts, beans, dark green vegetables, seafood, and fruit, particularly apples, lemons, and grapefruit.

Best sources of phosphorus

Best sources of phosphorus

Whole Wheat and Bran Mixes, Cottage Cheese, Peanut Butter, Corn, Broccoli, Chicken and Turkey, Sunflower Seeds, Garlic, Legumes and Nuts

Best sources of potassium

Best sources of potassium

Potassium is abundant and is found in vegetables and greenies such as spinach, citrus fruits, bananas, fennel, broccoli, bell pepper, ginger root, avocado, cucumber, parsley, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, mustard greens, aubergine, winter squash, tomatoes, whole grains, dairy products, lentils and sunflower seeds.

Best sources of sodium

Best sources of sodium

Sodium is naturally present in coconuts, carrots, dried fruits like apricots, figs, and raisins.

Best sources of chloride

Best sources of chloride

Chloride is readily obtained from yogurts, salt, fresh vegetables, soy sauce, milk, eggs, and meats.

Best sources of chromium

Best sources of chromium

Foods rich in calcium and iron

Best sources of chromium include Brewer’s yeast, clams, cheese, corn oil, whole grains, vegetable oils, liver, and nuts.

Best sources of copper

Best sources of copper

Best sources of copper include Meats, shellfish, nuts, seeds, legumes, peanut butter, chocolate, Soy beans, raisins, legumes, seafood.

Best sources of iodine

Best sources of iodine

Iodine plays a major role during pregnancy and childhood for normal development of the body. Iodine can be obtained from fresh vegetables, fresh seafood, kelp, iodized salt, garlic, soybeans, spinach and turnip greens.

Best sources of iron

Best sources of iron

The most reliable animal source of iron include meat, especially red meat, liver, eggs, fish and poultry while that of plants include whole grains, apricots, parsley, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, leafy green vegetables, beetroot, beans, soybeans and tofu, leafy green vegetables, dried fruits, lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, tomatoes and strawberries

Best sources of fluoride



Best sources of fluoride is Drinking water, tea, seafood.

Best sources of manganese

Best sources of manganese

Health benefits of zinc

The best sources of manganese include Whole grains, green leafy vegetables, avocadoes, blueberries, kelp, green tea, fresh beetroot, Celery, bananas, egg yolks, bran, walnuts, pineapples, asparagus etc.

Best sources of selenium

Best sources of selenium

The best natural sources of selenium include whole grains, broccoli, onions and garlic, sesame seeds, nuts, and tuna.

Best sources of zinc

Best sources of zinc

Zinc is packed rich in fishes and shellfish like oysters, crab, Prawns, red meats, liver, poultry, eggs, whole grains and legumes.


Through a number of processes which are complex metabolism burns the ingested food and nutrients of food which are stored for energy production for the body’s usage. In digestion and metabolism the key role is played by vitamins and minerals.

It has been stated by the University of Maryland Medical Center that to form coenzyme vitamin B2 or riboflavin is very important, this coenzyme does cellular mechanisms by combining with oxygen thus energy is produced.

B vitamins such as vitamins B6 and B12 are essential for carbohydrates, proteins and fats metabolism. Minerals like magnesium are also essential for metabolism of energy. Foods such as spinach, broccoli, beans, oats, fish, poultry and eggs are rich in B vitamins and minerals.

Heart health

Best protein rich foods

Heart diseases can be prevented by the important vitamins in your everyday nutrition. Chances of heart diseases can be decreased by reduction of inflammation by nutrients like vitamins A, C and E along with beta carotene. Fruits and vegetables full of diet will full of these vitamins and also of necessary nutrients.

Cardiovascular health can be improved by lowering levels of cholesterol which are unhealthy using vitamin B3 or niacin this has been stated by the University of Maryland Medical Center. Still only under the supervision of doctor that high doses of these vitamins should be taken.

Bone health

Maintenance of bone health is essential for vitamins and minerals and also for prevention of bone related diseases like osteoporosis or brittle and weakened bones. Minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus composed the bones’ hard matrix.

The “British Journal of Nutrition” published research has stated that absorption of calcium from food by the body is helped by vitamin D and also bone loss prevention and decrease in chances of fractures can be helped by the supplementing of vitamin D and calcium. Vitamin D and calcium’s role in health of bone is supported by Vitamin K.


On a number of organs functions, structures and hormones along with production of cell depends on the reproductive health and fertility.

These intricate systems and the men and women’s processes are helped to grow, repair and maintained by minerals and vitamins. For men’s fertility health and improvement of sperm count and mobility the mineral zinc is very important.

Red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, pumpkin seeds and oysters are food rich in zinc. Vitamin C, E and B12, beta carotene, folic acid and selenium are some listed vitamins and minerals for reproductive health.