How to control body odor in Men

Strong offensive body odor is an embarrassing problem that affects many men and women.And being a sensitive topic,it is not openly discussed. Body odor starts with certain types of sweat which cools down as they evaporate. There are certain glands concentrated in the underarms and genitals which secrete a substance on which bacteria thrive.Stress, ovulation, sexual excitement…

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Anti aging tips & face packs for men

Not only women but even men are very cautious about their looks and aging process. Even they wish to stay attractive for years. It is possible to get variety of products in the market that might vogue to provide you healthy skin without any wrinkles for years. Some people with experience on cosmetic products might…

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How to understand men

We say that understanding a women is one of the most difficult jobs of the world, but isn’t it the same for men too? The mindset of men might not be so complicated like women but understanding them can be challenging as well. The problem is that, unless you understand the man in your life,…

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