Vaccination chart and guide

There is absolutely no doubt that children are the most valuable creation for their parents. Parents prioritize their task on the basis of the schedule of their children. Also, the care, security and good health of the children are the foremost priorities of parents. However, sometimes parents face a dilemma at the time when the…

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Causes and remedies for respiratory infections in children

Respiratory infections are common in children. Illness with croup, pink eye, and ear infections are the symptoms of respiratory infections. There are two types of respiratory tract infection first is an upper respiratory tract infection and the second is lower respiratory tract infection. Signs of UPI’s is a cough, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion,…

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Best ways to bully proof your kid

Bullying amongst the kids is quickly becoming a serious concern. If you have been ignoring the mild complaints of your child about some particular mate at school, it might be the high time when you should start paying due attention to his words. As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child…

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