Faqs about breast augmentation

Are you looking for breast implant to change the size, shape and contour of your breast? I am sure this is not an easy decision and raises tons of questions in the mind.

You should be aware of what you are stepping into before blindly going for it. The FAQ list will help you to get answers to most of the common questions.

Does the breast augmentation increase risk of breast cancer?

This is a common question asked by women. There are studies and evidence given by the National Cancer Institute that implants do not cause breast cancer, nor does it delay the detection of breast cancer.

Patients with implants who get breast cancer are likely to get it without having the implants. If worrying about breast cancer is stopping you from getting a breast augmentation then you should stop worrying and go for it!

If my breasts are sagging, will augmentation work?

Yes, it will work for you. You might need an additional surgery, depending on how saggy your breasts are. This is to remove the excess skin to correct the sagging. So even with saggy breasts, you can definitely get breast augmentation.

Will my nipple sensation or feeling change?

The majority of the women loses some sensation after breast augmentation which normally lasts for 6-12 months and then returns to normal.

When can I exercise again?

It is recommended to start walking right after the surgery. Any kind of intense exercise should be avoided for 6 weeks as it can cause the implants to move their position or alter appearance of it or can cause healing problems.

When can I return to work?

This totally depends on the kind of job you have. If it involves upper arm movements like reaching for things then avoid it for 1-2 weeks. If it requires lifting things above 5 pounds, then avoid it for 6 weeks.

How much will it be painful?

The pain is of moderate level and is controlled by medication in the starting 1-2 weeks. If you have unbearable pain, then it’s an alarming sign of infection or complication.

Can I breastfeed after augmentation?

Yes, it does not affect the ability of breastfeeding.

Can one breast be hard and other be soft?

Yes, this is possible because of capsular contracture. If you have saline implants, they get harder in the beginning than later. If you have silicone implants and if they get hard then they will progressively get hard over time.

Who should not have breast augmentation?

If you are looking to please someone else or save a failing relationship. You should only do for self-image.

What is the recovery time after surgery?

The normal recovery time is 48 to 72 hours after surgery.

Are silicone breast implants safe?

There are several studies that show there is not much of a difference between the safety of silicone filled and saline filled breast implants.

What are the risks associated with breast augmentation?

The risks involved due to the surgical procedure of breast augmentation are reaction to anesthesia, infection, bleeding and poor healing.

Other rarely occurring risks are permanent loss of sensation in the nipples or certain areas of breast skin or additional surgery is needed due to aging. These risks can be caused regardless of who the surgeon is or the location where the procedure takes place.