How to communicate effectively and efficiently?

Proper communication is a skill that is appreciated in every aspect of life. Human communication depends on words spoken as well as on the body language and facial expressions. Communicating with people efficiently as well as effectively becomes quite a challenging task, particularly because it involves so many different aspects. To make your communications both…

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How to read general body language

Being able to read the general body language of people correctly can be very helpful to become actually compassionate and caring. It can also help you a lot in professional as well as personal life by making you more understanding to the feelings of the other person. However, before we get to how to read…

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How to understand body language

Do you always speak what you feel? No you don’t and neither the person at the other side of the table. We all have mastered the art of hiding our true feelings in social situations pretty well, however, still, there are cues that can be interpreted to get exactly what you might be thinking. Body…

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How to ask questions wisely

Asking a question need not to be a very difficult or confusing task. However, in order to get the best answer to fill your knowledge, it is important to keep a few things in mind. When it comes to asking questions, the setup has a lot to do. If you are in an educational setup…

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