Irregular periods treatment & home remedies

Irregular periods implies either the duration of periods varies every time or the time between two periods fluctuates a lot or may be the loss of blood during period is unusual. Reasons/Causes of irregular menses Irregular periods with home remedies The possible causes are- Unhealthy Lifestyle and eating habits Stress and fatigue Hormonal imbalance, Uterine…

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10 common faq about periods

The topic of period is like a taboo. But the world needs to start talking about it and start educating the women in their homes. Sometimes those days of the month are the craziest. Every woman has questions regarding the period in their mind. Here are a few commonly asked questions which will help you…

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Is it safe to delay my period?

Menstruation is one of the most difficult times for women, which they experience every month for 3-5 days. For some women it turns out to be a big nightmare, who suffer from PMS, Dysmenorrhea (Excessive pain and cramps during menstruation), Menorrhagia (Heavy bleeding) etc. Periods not only affect the physical health of a women but…

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Causes and symptoms of PMS

Premenstrual Syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms which a women experience five to fifteen days before her menstruation. This mainly includes physical, mental as well as behavioral changes. More than 80% of women experience these symptoms before her periods. The intensity of symptoms varies from mild to severe in different women and they…

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