How to use Spironolactone for Hair Loss

Spironolactone is an aldosterone receptor antagonist. It is also known as Aldactone. This medication is approved by the FDA and is used for the treatment of fluid retention which is caused due to different reasons including kidney and liver diseases. Along with this, it is also used to treat other conditions like high blood pressure…

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Vitamins for hair growth & stop hair loss

These days, your appearance majorly determines the fate for success, and hence, making the perfect appearance to the public is absolutely a must. To accomplish this objective, you go on trying various tricks, like dressing in the most fashionable outfits, trying the best fashion accessories, so or and so forth. However, nothing would accomplish the…

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Faqs about hair loss

Hair loss if so common these days, but it is nearly impossible to live with it. We feel embarrassed when we comb our hair and the hairbrush has hair tangled to it. You get worried about it and keep looking for solutions to your hair loss problem? I am sure you have tons of questions….

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