Causes and symptoms of cholera

Cholera is a type of bacterial infection and is caused by Vibrio cholerae. The condition is caused due to eating or drinking substances contaminate with bacteria.  Symptoms include watery diarrhea, dehydration, thirst, fever, muscle pain, and rapid heart rate. Diagnosis is done through physical examination, stool culture, and rapid dipstick test. Types The type of…

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Causes and symptoms of chickenpox

Chickenpox is the condition caused by the infection of varicella sister virus. The symptoms of this condition include rashes, blisters, fever, muscle pain, and malaise. The disease is diagnosed through physical examination and viral culture. Complications of the disease include sepsis, pneumonia, and encephalitis. Types Chickenpox can be divided on the basis of the severity…

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Causes and symptoms of High & Low blood pressure

Normal blood pressure is required to perform vital activities. Any changes, whether a reduction or increase, in blood pressure, leads to severe consequences including coma and death. Symptoms of high blood pressure include a severe headache, chest pain, nose bleed and difficulty breathing while hypotension may cause fainting and unconsciousness. Types Following are the types…

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Causes and symptoms of bronchitis

Bronchitis is the inflammation of the lining of bronchioles. The lining gets irritated and inflamed due to infection, pollution or smoking leading to secretion of mucus. Increased mucus secretion causes chest congestion, discomfort, difficulty breathing and fever. Bronchitis can be acute and chronic. Types On the basis of the period of symptoms, bronchitis is divided…

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Causes and symptoms of PMS

Premenstrual Syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms which a women experience five to fifteen days before her menstruation. This mainly includes physical, mental as well as behavioral changes. More than 80% of women experience these symptoms before her periods. The intensity of symptoms varies from mild to severe in different women and they…

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Is it safe to delay my period?

Menstruation is one of the most difficult times for women, which they experience every month for 3-5 days. For some women it turns out to be a big nightmare, who suffer from PMS, Dysmenorrhea (Excessive pain and cramps during menstruation), Menorrhagia (Heavy bleeding) etc. Periods not only affect the physical health of a women but…

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Causes and symptoms of brain tumor

A brain tumor is a condition in which cells divide in an uncontrolled manner in the brain leading to a mass of cells. Various types of tumor exist in the brain, some are cancerous while other are non-cancerous. Symptoms of a brain tumor include a headache, vision problems, confusion, disorientation, difficulty breathing, swallowing and speaking,…

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Causes and symptoms of brain hemorrhage

Brain hemorrhage is the condition in which the vessels in the brain bursts and there is bleeding inside the brain. Various types of hemorrhage may occur inside the brain. Brain hemorrhage is diagnosed through neurological examination, imaging techniques, and lumbar puncture. Types Following are the types of intracranial hemorrhage: Epidural hematoma: Epidural hematoma is the…

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Causes and symptoms of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is the condition characterized by the narrowing of arteries due to the plaque. The symptoms of atherosclerosis occur due to reduced blood flow in the related tissue. The symptoms of atherosclerosis include chest pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and pain and numbness in body parts. Diagnosis is done through blood tests, imaging techniques, and electrocardiogram….

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Causes and symptoms of appendix/appendicitis

Appendicitis is the condition characterized by the presence of inflammation in the appendix. Symptoms of appendicitis include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Appendicitis is diagnosed through physical examination, lab tests, and imaging techniques. Types Following are the types of appendicitis: Chronic appendicitis: When the examination of the appendix of the patient suffering from appendicitis…

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