Ebola virus symptoms, prevention and treatment

A typical type of virus which is responsible for causing bleeding outside as well as inside of the body is known as Ebola virus. Once the virus starts spreading, it will be ideal to damage the immune system of an individual.

Thus, the blood clotting cells drops with the spread of Ebola virus. This can also lead to bleeding which cannot be controlled. According to the researchers, Ebola has the capacity to spread from one country to another as and when people travel. Thus, the airport authority checks every passenger thoroughly whether anyone is affected with Ebola virus.

If something like that is seen, there will be a good chance that the passenger will not be allowed to travel at all. Proper training is provided to each airline crew to spot the signs and symptoms of Ebola virus among the people.

Source of Ebola

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Ebola apparently is not as contagious as that of the virus which is responsible for spreading measles, colds and influenza.  Ebola virus basically spreads from one person to another through the skin touch elements, bodily fluids as well as from the animals such as fruit bat, monkey and chimp.

Once a person is affected with Ebola virus, it keeps on spreading from one person to another. The individual who takes care of the sick person continuously or involved in burying dead person ho have been affected by Ebola virus has the good chance of getting this infection.

Ebola virus can also spread if you touch the surface or the contaminated needles. But, there are some sources you cannot get Ebola. Such sources are food, air and water.

Early signs and symptoms of Ebola

An individual who is about to have infection from Ebola virus may feel that he is having illness of flu. You will be able to come across the symptoms within 2 to 21 days of the virus attack. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Stomach pain
  • High fever
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Weakness
  • Lack of appetite

Once the disease become worse after proceeding from the early signs of Ebola to advance signs, individual will get bleeding inside the body. Even it is possible that blood starts running from nose, eyes and ears.

Some will have a tendency of vomiting blood or brings out blood through cough. Some people also have rashes as well as bloody diarrhea. The exposure to Ebola virus for a period of 8 to 10 days is quite natural. But, if the disease stays in your body more than this time period, it becomes a risk factor.

Some are quite lucky to recover after getting affected with Ebola virus. There are many people who died due to the infection of Ebola virus. They are probably known not to not to develop the immune response at the time of death.

Diagnosis of Ebola virus

Many people cannot understand the effect at the initial stage which leads to very serious stage. Thus, proper diagnosis of the patient is required at a very first stage. Since the symptoms are not very critical, it becomes really hard for the patient to conclude that he is been affected with Ebola virus.

Doctors will conduct test and find out what exactly is the problem. Your physician must take a step to test the tissues as well as blood in order to diagnose Ebola. An individual affected with Ebola will be immediately taken away from the public area so that others do not get affected with this virus.

Prevention of Ebola virus

Some of the preventive measures are:

Washing hands frequently

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You must wash your hand frequently to avoid any types of infections.  If hand wash is carried on repeatedly, prevention of viruses along with Ebola will be easy.

You can use either a medicated soap or a hand wash to wash your hand properly. The alcohol based hand rubs are also good to use frequently so that you don’t get affected by Ebola virus.

Avoid bushmeat

Some people are very fond of buying and consuming the meat of wild animals. This will also include non human primates. This will be one of the important causes of spreading Ebola virus.

Abide with infection control procedure

The health care workers have a risk of getting affected with this virus. But, this does not mean that they must leave this profession. Rather, it will be important to take some protective measures such as wearing gloves, eye shields, masks etc while attending the patients. It is also important to dispose of needles and sterilize other instruments.

Avoiding contact with infected people

If you are serving the patient who is suffering from the attack of Ebola virus, you must be very cautious and stay away from them as well as their blood, semen, tissues, body fluid, saliva as well as vaginal secretion. People suffering from Ebola virus are very contagious at the later stage of the disease.

Avoiding handling remains

The dead bodies of the people who died due to the infection of Ebola virus are contagious even after passing away their soul. If you are not experienced and know about the specific cautious to bury those bodies, its better not to touch it.

Only the experience team of people who are also trained about how to bury the dead bodies of individuals affected from Ebola virus must undertake the activity of burying them.

Avoid the areas of known outbreak

Since Ebola virus has its origin in Africa, if you are planning to travel the continent, it will be better to find out the areas where Ebola virus has its root. It’s better not to visit those places at all.

Treatment mechanism of Ebola virus infection

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Medication with regards to the spread of Ebola virus will be critical which will also include replacement of coagulation factors. Proper care must be provided to the patient with the strict attention along with barrier isolation.

The body fluid of affected patient must be handled with great care. There are hardly any therapies today which can treat Ebola fever.

Ebola vaccine is also not commercially available in the market. But the recombinant human monoclonal antibody is directed against the Ebola virus.   Some of the treatment procedure includes:

Supportive care

This is also known as the supportive therapy which has the attention toward intravascular volume, nutrition, electrolytes for the betterment of the patient suffering from such disorder.

It is also been proved that the survivors of Ebola virus can produce infection in the surrounding area for prolonged period of time.  Thus, a barrier should always be provided where the patient is kept in a private room with isolation from other healthy people.

Disinfectant should be applied in the areas where the stool, urine, blood as well as sputum is displayed.  The disinfectant should contain at least 0.5 % of sodium hypochlorite.

The patients who have died of Ebola virus must not be kept within the public area for a long time, rather the body must be buried instantly with as little contact as possible.

Diet and activity

Even if nutrition is provided to the patient suffering from Ebola virus, there will be tendency of diarrhea, nausea as well as vomiting among the Ebola virus affected people.

An individual with the effect of Ebola virus cannot recover very easily. Rather, they take months to recover. Thus, proper diet as well as activity is necessary for all individual who are infected by Ebola virus.

Since this virus also gets infected with sexual intercourse, people who are exposed in the same way to the infected patient must be watch closely with regards to their signs and symptoms.

Pharmacologic therapy

Through Pharmacological therapy also many people have tried eradicating the problem of Ebola virus.  This treatment will be dependent on particular dosage.

Once you start of dosage of 0.7mg/ kg in every 8 hours, there will be a chance that the mortality will be prevented. It was also noted that, even when the drug was given in day 2, 90% of the individual affected by Ebola virus survived.

This is a wonderful therapy which has brought confidence among people who have been affected with Ebola virus. This also reduces the mortality significantly.  Even the passive immunity was attempted with this regard for proving worth to the patients suffering from Ebola virus.