How Can Diabetes Cause Blurry Vision?

Diabetes is a pressing disease involving complex metabolism. The body of diabetic patients either cannot produce enough insulin or can’t use it efficiently. Your body cells require sugar or glucose to produce energy. Insulin helps your body cells to break down stored sugar. When your cells do not get enough insulin to break down sugar, your blood sugar levels rise causing a condition called hyperglycemia. The condition negatively affects different parts of your body. 

Eyes suffer the most damage due to elevated blood sugar levels. Blurry vision is next to follow as an early warning sign of diabetes. Fluids leak into your eye lens thereby creating a blurry vision. The lens eventually swells and changes shape over time making it hard for you to focus your eyes and everything appearing fuzzy. Some patients may get a blurred vision as a side effect of insulin treatment. In many cases, vision improves when blood sugar levels stabilize.

Diabetes Can Cause Blurry Vision

Retinal disorders caused by type 2 diabetes are described as diabetic retinopathy. These include proliferative retinopathy and macular edema that involve swelling of macula because of the leaking fluid. The macula is a section of the retina responsible for giving you a sharp central vision. Some patients suffering from macular edema may complain of color changes and wavy vision.

When blood leaks into the center of the eye, the condition is called proliferative retinopathy. Patients may get a blurry vision as indicative of the condition. Some patients have trouble with night vision or experience spots and floaters. Blurry vision sometimes indicates a symptom of the disease called that puts pressure in your eye thereby damaging the optic nerve. Diabetic patients are at a higher risk of glaucoma. Other symptoms of the disease include nausea, vomiting, ocular pain, reddening of eyes, halos around lights, and loss of peripheral or tunnel vision.

Patients developing cataracts may also have a blurry vision. The condition makes the lens of your eyes cloudy. Diabetic patients are more prone to developing cataracts at an early age. Some indicative symptoms of cataracts are cloudy/blurry vision, faded colors, double vision in one or both eyes, halos around lights, and increased sensitivity to light.

Other Factors Causing Blurry Vision

Some common causes of blurry vision other than diabetes include nearsightedness, dry eyes, low blood pressure, some prescription drugs, eye injury, infection, and inflammation. People you spend long hours staring at handheld electronic devices or computer monitors are more likely to get blurry vision. The condition is termed digital eye strain caused by poor lighting or the constant glare of the digital screens. 

Further, not maintaining proper viewing distance may worsen the problem. Other indications of digital eye strain are dry eyes, pain in neck or shoulder, and constant headache. You may rectify the issue by taking frequent breaks and adjusting your workspace. 

Blurred vision also indicates certain disorders in the immune system including lupus and multiple sclerosis. Symptoms may revert with proper treatment. Diabetic patients are more prone to develop eye problems. Therefore, it is essential to get regular checkups and a comprehensive eye exam annually.