Why to preserve stem cells and how it can be useful?

Parents deciding about preserving the stem cells might feel it crucial as it is about a lifetime opportunity which has the ability of holding pristine stem cells. If you have decided to preserve the stem cells, considering the fact few months before the date of delivery will be possible. Researchers have proved that the process of banking umbilical cord is really simple with no interference to the birth process.

Value of stem cells

Current issues on stem cells therapy

Medical science has found out a way of treating growing number of patients every year with variety of diseases. Even cancer in specific parts of the body can be treated through bone marrow transplantation. Even if the patient party is ready to spend good sum on the surgery of bone marrow transplantation, getting appropriate donor becomes really difficult. Since matching tissue is not available in this regard, the patient requiring the bone marrow suffers. There is a good chance that the bone marrow of the family member matches with that of the patient’s.

Reason for preserving stem cells

It has been proven by the researchers working with the stem cells that, it has the ability of developing wider variety of human tissue cells. In order to treat certain illness in the body, the stem cells are used to replace the faulty cells inside the body. The researchers have found out this in the embryos at first. But today, the researchers were successful in extracting these stem cells from placentas and umbilical cords. You can also get it from body fat, teeth as well as bone marrow.

Stem cells are potentially rich in developing various types of human tissue cells. For certain illness in the body of the individual, these stem cells can be easily introduced in the body of the patient. In order to repair faulty cells or organ, it will be essential for individuals to get help from preserved stem cells.

The cord stem blood banks are having optimistic behavior with regards to the miraculous cure all factors. People can easily get a cure of diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, diabetes etc. You can also get rid of multiple sclerosis with the help of stem cell therapy.

Usefulness of stem cells

You can easily make a stand in replenishing the immune system and body’s blood with hematopoietic stem cells. There are also various forms of stem cells such as nerve cells, blood cells, muscle cells, bone cartilage, immune system cells as well as blood vessels. Today more than 80 life threatening diseases can be cured with the help of this spectacular stem cell therapy.


It has been found that the cord blood stem cells are incredibly easy to collect and it can also be cryogenically freezed. There is also alternative form of stem cells known as bone marrow. It is now possible to extract cord blood stem cells with a cut of umbilical and can be done in even less than five minutes time. It is good to avail the new born stem cells as those are more flexible and younger. Thus the stem cells collected from new born have better regenerative abilities.

Ability of increasing immunity

Stem cell therapy for autism

Today the cord blood cells are used to treat around more than 80 debilitating disease and also in more than 30,000 transplants. Sometime your child gets contact with the disease which can be treated only through the radiation and chemotherapy. Thus, there can be negative impact on your immune system. The parents who have previously banked the umbilical cord of their child, it can be used to make the immune system of your child really active.

A perfect sibling match

Since, doctors prescribes strict matching requirement of the stem cells for every patient, it becomes really difficult to find the perfect match. But, if you have a baby’s stem cells getting perfect match for him or her will be possible.

Ease in extraction

Some mothers and parents have a thought that the bone marrow extraction may be painful. But, the stem cells extraction from the umbilical cord can be easily extracted without providing any pain to the baby as well as mother.  Only a general anesthesia is provided to the donor with no inherent risk.