Supplements That Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Certain supplements can benefit patients of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in lowering the blood sugar levels. Taking supplements with diabetes medication can also help in reducing the dosage of the medication. Following supplements can help lower your blood sugar:


Derived either from an extract, or prepared by powdering whole cinnamon, these supplements work wonders in reducing blood sugar and controlling diabetes. Prediabetes patients with a fasting blood sugar between 100 to 125 mg/dl are administered with 250 mg of cinnamon extract taken before meals twice a day for three months. The patients report to experience about 8.4% decrease in the values of fasting blood sugar.Cinnamon improves the response of your body cells to insulin. However, the commonly found Cassia variety contains more of a compound called coumarin that may harm the liver if consumed in excess. Ceylon cinnamon is best as it contains low coumarin.

American Ginseng

Primarily grown in North America, American Ginseng can help decrease post-meal blood sugar. The supplement improves the response of your cells to insulin. It also increases insulin secretion in the body. The recommended dosage is 1 gram of the supplement before the main meals. 


Probiotic contain beneficial bacteria and health-friendly microbes that help improve carbohydrate processing in your body. Probiotics also help in decreasing fasting blood sugar by preventing pancreatic cells from destruction and reducing inflammation. 

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera supplements and juices help reduce fasting blood sugar and A1C in patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Aloe vera works by stimulating insulin production in the pancreatic cells. 


Berberine is a bitter-tasting compound extracted from the stems and roots of certain plants such as Goldenseal and Phellodendron. Berberine supplements taken with diabetes medication can help effectively reduce blood sugar levels. Berberine works by improving insulin sensitivity and enhancing sugar uptake from the bloodstream into your muscles thereby decreasing blood sugar.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplements can help improve A1C and fasting blood sugar. The supplements work by improving the function of pancreatic cells and increasing responsiveness to insulin.


It is a medicinal herb used in Ayurvedic treatments. Gymnema Sylvestre or Gurmar in Hindi is considered a sugar destroyer. Patients with type 2 diabetes taking Gymnema leaf extract daily experienced a reduction in fasting blood sugar and A1C. The herb works by reducing cravings for sweet-tasting substances and by suppressing the sweet-tasting sensation in your mouth. The herb also reduces sugar absorption in the gut and promotes body cells to uptake more sugar from your bloodstream. 


Diabetic patients usually have lower levels of magnesium in the blood. Magnesium supplements can help prediabetes and diabetes patients in reducing fasting blood sugar levels. Magnesium helps in normalizing insulin secretion and action in your body tissues.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

ALA or Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant and a vitamin-like compound produced in your liver. You can get ALA from foods such as red meat, spinach, and broccoli. Patients with type 2 diabetes who took ALA supplements alongside usual diabetes treatment reported a decrease in A1C and fasting blood sugar. 

ALA works by improving your insulin sensitivity. As a result, your body cells uptake more sugar from your bloodstream. The supplements also protect your body against oxidative damage resulting from high blood sugar.


Chromium deficient people cannot effectively utilize carbs for energy. Chromium supplements can help patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in reducing A1C and fasting blood sugar. The supplements work by enhancing insulin action and supporting the activity of insulin-producing pancreatic cells.

Different people may respond differently to various supplements and therefore experience different results. More common factors affecting the results include supplement quantity prescribed, duration of supplement intake, and individual diabetes status. Always discuss with your doctor before you start taking any supplements alongside medication or insulin for diabetes treatment. 

Certain supplements may interact with usual diabetes medication and increase the risk of dropping blood sugar levels to an extreme low. Your doctor may reduce the dosage of diabetes medication at some point alongside supplements. It is advisable to take only one supplement at a time. You should check your blood sugar levels regularly to determine the impact and effectiveness of the supplements.