Baby products today are not just available in the market; rather you can easily get them from the reputed online shopping stores in the market. At least for the first year, you would require variety of essential products for baby care and health. Even after getting proper shelter and food, your baby also need to explore the world in his/her own way.
Are you having babies at home? Whether you have 1 or more than 1 babies at home, some necessary items that is needed for your baby must be always kept at home. Being new parents, you must be eager to know about what exactly your babies require to stay good and complete. This article will speak about such items which your baby will need desperately. Whether it is related to baby’s game play, food or other actions, the baby items will play a vital role in growth and development of your baby in the long run.
Top baby items you must have
Baby diapers
Diapers are really important for babies as babies are prone to urinary and stool excretion frequently. There was a time when mothers used cloth in place of diapers for babies. But today you can get diapers of different variety which also takes care of the health and comfort of the baby.
Baby clothes
Every human being wears cloth and a small baby is not an exception. Like we adults, they also need to wear clothes to get protection from the outside environment. Apart from the factor of protection, parents wish their baby to present well in front of people. This is the reason for which mom’s always try out gathering new clothes for her baby.
Baby shoes
You can now get endless variety of baby shoes in the market of different size, patterns and designs. With the improvement in technology you can even shop baby shoes online without worrying about the size. The online stores are here with variety of sizes which you can easily pick up as soon as you are aware of your baby feet size. There are representatives at the online stores who can help you to get the right type of a dress.
Baby stroller
If you want to keep yourself as well as your baby in a great comfort, baby strollers would be a great way. You bay can sit in the stroller and even move his hand and legs independently without the risk of falling back or down as it comes with good protection.
Feeding bottle
Doctors suggest mothers to feed their babies with breast milk at least for a period of 6 months. But, some busy mothers might not be able to abide with the same. They adopt formula milk that is available in the market. In order to feed them with such milk, feeding bottle will be a necessity. You must get the feeding bottle of a good quality as it is the question of wellbeing of your baby.
Nursing pillow
After delivery till 6 months the skull of your baby would remain very soft and is vulnerable. It can be molded into different shapes. But, it is generally desired that the head of your should remain round but due to improper care you can see many people after going up has flat or more vertical head. But, if you get a nursing pillow and keep your baby in nursing pillow while sleeping or carrying, it will be a very good decision. Your baby will have a round and proper skull develops.
Breast pumps
While breast feeling sometimes really difficult some day when the milk becomes very freeze. This is the particular time when you need to use a breast pump. You can also get variety of breast bumps in the market which can be easily selected online and purchased.
Baby spoons
Since the mouth opening of the baby is not much wide you need to use a special and small spoons that suites with baby. You can now get variety of baby spoons in the market according to the design and size you can choose the same.
High chairs
Kids generally wish to get up over the chair in order to achieve the height of adults. They simply wish to imitate the adults. But, these seating chairs are not safe for kids as those are prone to accidents. But, the high chairs which are specially made for kids are surrounded from all sides and are safe.
Baby carrier
Today, mothers do carry their baby in their hand with them wherever they go or whatever they do. There is a special baby carrier which can be hold at the back just like your shoulder bag. Even you can keep the carrier in such a way that your baby can be viewed in front of your eye.
Bouncy seats for baby
Normal chairs and cushion where we adults sit may not be very suitable for babies. Thus, bouncy seats for baby are very essential for proper cushioning of the baby hips. Proper comfort for the muscle and hip bone of your baby will be attained through the bouncy seats of babies.
Baby bedding
Another important necessity of your baby will be the bedding. You can get plenty of fancy beddings in the market which have different shapes and volumes. The bedding can be selected according to the health and height of the baby.
Baby blankets
You can get a very light blanket to cover your baby during the summer season. But, it is also equally important to purchase a warmer blanket to complement the winter climate. You can also choose the colors according to your wish.
Baby crib
The furniture stores have a variety of kids furniture along with the adults furniture. But, since the weight of a baby is much more less than those of adults, lighter materials such as fibers and plastic is used to make the crib. You can get one such for your baby.
Baby teeters
Every baby after a certain age would develop their teeth. This is the time when they tend to bite everything starting from toys, clothes to that of mother’s bangles. You need to provide a teeter to your baby so that he can bite it and stay happy.
Baby brush
Like we adults, your baby also need to brush your teeth. Special brush must be used for the milk teeth of the baby so that he stays healthy not only with regards to health but also as per the oral health. You should also get the baby brush of a good quality. The branded brushes are much more preferable.
Baby nail clippers
A special variety of nail clippers should be used for each baby when they are very young. A special technology will be used in order to make this baby nail clippers. This can be found in the stores along with other accessories of the baby. It is also possible to get baby nail clippers online so that there is no problem in baby nails.
Baby toys
Every children loves to play with toys, similarly a very small baby would also like something very interactive such as talking doll, a bear that claps, a monkey with drum stick etc. These are very well available in the market.
Baby pacifiers
For every parent, comfort of the baby is one of the important factors. This will be very well possible if you have baby pacifiers. Baby develops a habit of sucking as from the very beginning he has been sucking the nipples of his mother. He gets great comfort in doing so. Baby pacifier will retain this effect even when mother is not available around.
Baby play mat
This is another important accessory your baby would be requiring when he grows up the age of 3-4 months. He will lay his back on the mat and play in a protected environment even if parents are not around.
Baby CD’S
Today, variety of CD’s are designed in the aim of benefitting your baby. Your new born baby can easily learn pronunciation, language and much more once you play this CD. There are also very entertaining songs that will keep the mind of your baby glued to the music.
Baby body suite galore
You cannot just make your baby wear anything according to your desire. The material with which baby clothing is made is chosen after researching on garments. The fabric which is safe and soft will be taken to make baby clothing. Baby suit is one of the essential elements which you must have for your baby. It is a special variety of garment that holds the entire body of your baby.
Baby wipes
Babies are prone to urination and excretion all the time. Thus, you must keep the wipes available so that it can be used over your baby bumps. You can also remove the sweat of your baby with the help of the baby wipes. You can now easily get baby wipes in reputed stores and online shopping sites. The branded companies are selling these accessories which you must take up and use for your baby.
Nipple cream
Most of the time when the nipples of mother is sore due to regular breast feeding, a nipple cream must be used to keep it healthy. This will give adequate moisture to the nipples that will help the baby get the taste of breast feeding once again.
Baby linen
Parents should also have baby linen handy as only simple clothing might not be enough for your baby. Your baby would require special layer of coat so that the extreme temperature may not attack him. And he can remain comfortably in open place without the need of mother’s lap.