Understanding Blood Sugar Levels

The very first question a newly diagnosed diabetic person asks is regarding their blood sugar levels, whether it’s normal, too high or low? The blood sugar levels of a person vary depending on personal health, nutrition & lifestyle. Managing blood sugar is the apex of diabetes management. High blood sugar can cause many health complications….

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How to Make Homemade Hand Wash?

We use hand soaps and hand washes several times a day but we hardly give them a thought in between our busy schedules and rushing timelines. We have so many chores in our list, so many things to take care of that the quantity of hand wash hardly concerns us until the dispenser runs out…

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Supplements for PCOS

Intake of supplements can help you in treating the symptoms that are associated with PCOS such as inflammation, insulin resistance and regulating your hormones. Supplements are not FDA approved and there are chances that they may interfere with the prescribed medication and treatment of PCOS. So, you should always consult the doctor before taking any…

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SINUS – Problem & Symptoms

Sinusitis or commonly called sinus is a prevalent condition among most of the people. When nasal passages are infected with viruses & bacteria, it causes stuffy & painful pressure in the nasal cavity. Sinusitis can also be caused by irritants like chemicals, nasal sprays or other substances inhaled through the nose. Healthy sinus is filled…

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Enlarged Ovaries – Causes & Treatments

Your reproductive system consists of ovaries that produce estrogen and progesterone hormones. They produce the eggs and release them when they get matured. The ovaries tend to enlarge or get swollen. There are many reasons behind the swelling and enlargement of the ovaries. Some of the causes are not harmful to your body. One reason…

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Healthy Cholesterol Foods – HDL Foods

We all grow up learning the fact that foods with high-cholesterol can put us at a higher risk of heart diseases. However, certain recent studies suggest otherwise. It is a known fact that the liver produces most of the cholesterol found in our bloodstream. When we eat high-cholesterol foods, our liver produces less cholesterol in…

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