Avoid these 10 things when trying to get pregnant

So, finally you are settled in your personal and professional life and you think it is the right time to experience the joy of motherhood. While controlling unwanted pregnancy is mostly in your hands, the point is not the same when it comes to getting pregnant. There are more than few factors involved in conceiving and while it might not be really difficult to conceive unless you have any physical issues, it might take time.
If you and your partner are perfectly healthy and you are aged below 35, you are most expected to conceive naturally within a year of trying. However, it might take longer but in that case consulting a gynecologist is certainly a good option just to make sure that things are not delayed unnecessarily.  However, when you are trying to get pregnant, it is really important to take the right care of your health. Avoiding a few things is also a must when you are trying to get pregnant as these substances might delay the conceiving or might trigger early abortion.

Here are the 10 things that you should avoid when trying to get pregnant. Using these substances while trying to get pregnant can actually delay or hinder the process of conceiving. So, read out and discard these substances from your life at least for the time.


Lubricants, the commonly used substance that might be making your intercourses more enjoyable can actually work as the primary barrier when it comes to conceiving. Most of the lubricants available in the stores are toxic for the sperms. These chemicals reduce the mobility of sperm which seriously hinders the ability of the sperms to fertilize the egg. It is true not only for the store bought lubricants but also for lubricants like olive oil and others. Using a lubricant is not the right choice when you are trying to conceive.  If you need a lubricant anyway, opt for warm water or at least lubricants that comes with the tag of being sperm friendly.

Some medications

When you are trying to get pregnant it is only wise to stop taking every unnecessary medication. Seemingly common medicines like medicines for acne, medicine for hypertension, medicines for treating migraines, epilepsy can also harm the fetus. Antimalarial drugs, drugs with high dosage of steroid, anti-inflammatory medications can also make plantation of the fertilized zygote difficult, hindering the process of conceiving. In most of the cases, there are safer alternatives of medicines that can be taken by women trying to get pregnant. So, if you are trying to get pregnant it is best to first consult with your gynecologist and know for sure the medications that you should continue and the ones you should stop or change.

Caffeine in high amount

There are many of us who just cannot pass the day without gulping down a good cup of coffee every now and then but ladies, if you are trying to conceive, you have to stop this habit. Some studies have shown that consuming over 200 to 300 mg of caffeine daily can seriously affect the fertility of women.  So, while taking a cup of coffee a day might be safe, you should not go about indulging in multiple cups a day. And it is not only coffee that can add to your total caffeine intake.  Soft drinks, energy drinks and even tea comes with a good dose of caffeine in it. So, keep an eye on what you drink and how much you drink.


Alcohol is not safe for the fetus and it can result into miscarriage. Often expecting mothers are not aware about the pregnancy during the first few weeks after conception, in such cases, consuming alcohol might result into an early miscarriage. So, it is only a wise decision to stay away from alcohol consumption particularly after ovulation. However, you can drink some alcohol during your menstruation or the first week after menstruation.


If you are trying to conceive, both you and your partner should stay clear from tobacco in any form. It has been proven through scientific studies that smoking can seriously affect the fertility of a man as well as a woman.  Tobacco reduces the number as well as the fertility of the sperms which can work as the primary hindrance for conceiving. For couples trying to conceive giving up completely on tobacco as early as possible is a must.


The effect of marijuana on the fertility of a woman trying to conceive is not very clear yet but it has been found from studies that consumption of marijuana can affect male fertility seriously. It reduces the amount and quality of testosterone in the male body. Testosterone plays a major role in production and nourishment of sperms and hence a drop in testosterone in the male body can affect his fertility seriously.


When you are trying to conceive stressing over even on the pregnancy itself can work as a hindrance.  Stress affects the hypothalamus of the brain which might trigger hormonal changes in the body resulting into late ovulation or not ovulating at all. Be it a positive stress or a negative stress, staying away from any type of sudden stress is important when you are trying to conceive. However, the extent of stress that can affect the monthly cycle of a woman varies extensively from one to another.

Certain chemicals

There are certain commonly used household chemicals that can negatively affect your fertility. While there are no clear cut results showing the ill effects of these chemicals on human fertility, the results are sufficient to raise concerns. So, when you are trying to conceive it is only an extra precaution to stay away from these chemicals. The list includes fragrant household cleaners, detergents and fabric softeners. Synthetic fragrances in cleaning products, petroleum based surfactants and solvents used in glass cleaners, carpet cleaners, floor cleaners can be harmful for fertility.

Hot tubs

Soaking yourself in a hot tub or rising your body temperature through outside artificial means might have a negative impact on the pregnancy. For men, trying to get a baby, staying away from hot tubs and sauna is a must. Studies have shown that immersing of the male testes in hot water for a prolonged span of time can seriously affect the total sperm count. The rise in temperature can also affect the DNA of the sperm making it less likely to fertilize an ovum.  According to studies, it takes around 6 months after a prolonged hot tub treatment for the sperm count to return to normal in a man.

Mercury contaminated fish

Fish is a very healthy diet and it is an ideal food for consumption during pregnancy as it is highly nutritious and yet easy palatable, unlike chicken and meat. Fishes are also great source of Omega 3 fatty acids that are vital for a healthy pregnancy.  However, the problem is sea fishes are often contaminated with mercury, which can be detrimental for the proper growth of the fetus. So, when you are trying to get pregnant it is only wise to stay away from sea fishes and opt more for sweet water fishes or fishes that are cultivated in the local ponds and rivers to reduce the risk.