Guava & guava leaves face packs

Guava is a fruit that is not anyway less healthy than an apple. If eating an apple a day can keep the doctor away, so does the guava. It is rich in multiple nutrients, vitamins and minerals that promote overall good health. If you are looking for skin benefits in particular, applying it directly onto…

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Homemade dead skin removal face packs

Are you worried because your fresh glowing skin has suddenly turned dull and lifeless? The culprit might be the dead skin cells. Through natural skin-regenerative mechanism thousands of skin cells in your body die daily and their place is taken over by new ones. However, the problem is that, these dead skin cells continue to…

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Milk face packs & masks

Your best friend was right under your nose and you failed to notice its amazing qualities to help you get that flawless skin you’ve been dreaming of. This magical ingredient is none other than the easily available milk in your kitchen. You ask, why milk? Because of its high amount of vitamin A and vitamin…

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