Top reasons to quit caffeine

Caffeine, which falls under the methylxanthine class, is a CNS (Central Nervous System) stimulant. It is one of the widely consumed psychoactive drugs which can be harmful for your health than being helpful. It might not seem to be that much harmful to your health but it is. The daily dose of caffeine may actually damage…

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Health benefits of drinking water

Drinking sufficient water has extensive health benefits that we often overlook. The importance of drinking enough water everyday is not anyway less than the importance of having a proper nutritional diet everyday. In fact, your body might do without food for a day, but it cannot really work smoothly without water, even for a single…

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How to quit smoking with diabetes

Quitting smoking is always good for your health and if you have diabetes know for sure that quitting smoking will help you in more ways than you even know. Smoking and diabetes together can do havoc on your health and can be actually dangerous as the combination invites a number of other deadlier conditions as…

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