Women will have a lot of infection that can cause to their sensitive parts like genital area, breasts etc. You always keep this are clean and tidy. Wash them neatly while you take a shower. Always use clothes that are made of high quality materials. Some fabric can cause allergy and other infection to your sensitive skin or body parts. A small growth on the skin and mucus membrane of the genitals is called genital wart and this can appear on the penis, urethra, vulva, cervix and on the area of the anus. This infection is communicable and can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. Always try and keep your partners aware about the infections you have, just for the side.
Genital warts are sexually transmitted infection that causes small, skin-coloured growths on the opening of the vagina, or around the anus. Warts affect both genders but are more common in women than men.
Causes of Genital Warts in Women
A virus called human papilloma causes genital warts and some kinds of human papilloma(HPV) can cause cervical cancer, anal cancer or precancerous changes in the cervix which are called high-risk kinds of HPV. Some type of HPV can cause warts on your skin, hands or any other parts. These types of infections are common and you may not be able to see the wart for six weeks or six months or even years after being infected. If you are in sexual contact with one or more partners there are the chances of getting genital warts. High usage of tobacco and alcohol can also give chances to get this infection.
Genital warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). There are about 100 types of HPV, of which more than 40 types especially effect the genitals. The HPV virus is transmitted from one person to another by direct skin contact and so it is termed as a sexually transmitted infection which includes sexual intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, or any other contact involving the genital area. Warts take weeks to appear after being infected by the virus.
Symptoms of Genital Wart
Genital warts are very smaller in size and you may not be able to see them with your naked eyes. The warts can be flesh-coloured spots that can be flat or raised. It might look like the top portion of a cauliflower. Some of the other rare symptoms are wetness in the genital area where you have a genital wart or more vaginal discharge. Itching in the genital area and bleeding after having sexual intercourse are other symptoms that can happen only to one percent of women.
Warts are skin-coloured or pink growths that may be smooth and flat or raised. They usually develop on the labia or at the opening of the vagina. It can also develop around or inside the anus. Many women do not have any symptoms of warts but some complain of itching, burning sensation and hardness on the genital area.
Treatment For Genital Wart
Consult a doctor if you find any symptoms of genital warts and get it checked properly. A certain tests have to be done to check the warts as you cannot see with your eyes. Use only the prescribed medicines from your doctor. The medicines might include: Imiquimod, podophyllin and podofilox and trichloroacetic. The warts can also be removed with surgery known as cryosurgery, laser therapy or surgical excision. It is advisable for your sexual partner to go for a detailed check up for this infection. If you are suffering from genital warts then, a regular pap smear test is recommended every 3 to 6 months.
Avoid having sexual intercourse when you are suffering from genital warts and always have safe sex. There are certain vaccines that can help prevent these genital warts. Get in touch with your doctor and tell them all the symptoms that you are facing and they will do a detailed check-up on you to diagnose the problem in your genital area.
Genital warts can be treated in many ways There are various medical and surgical procedures to remove warts. But there is no surety that the warts will reoccur, because there is no treatment that will completely destroy the HPV virus. Usually some cells remain infected with the virus. In normal course if warts are not troubling they do not need to be treated.
Medical treatments
Medical treatments of warts include creams or liquids that are recommended by doctors.This treatment must be taken once or twice a week for several weeks.
Surgical treatment —
Surgical treatments of genital warts include procedures that remove the wart and treatments that destroy the wart by freezing or burning it… These treatments are often used in combination. Surgical treatments are recommended for warts that do not get treated by medicines, warts on large areas involving vagina, urethra or anus.
Cryotherapy is the method of treating genital warts by using a chemical to freeze the wart. This isa simple treatment that usually do not require any anaesthesia. It is safe to be used during pregnancy. Sometimes the method caused pain and there are side effects of the treatment. These side effects include swelling, blistering, and skin irritation.
Electrocautery is the method that uses electrical energy to burn the warts. This treatment is usually done in the operation theatre using local anaesthesia to prevent pain.
Lasers produce light energy to destroy warts. This treatment should be taken from physicians who are specifically trained and use specific equipment. Laser treatment is done in the operation theatre under local anaesthesia to prevent pain. It is recommended to women who have multiple warts which are spread over a large area. Formation of scars, pain and changes in the colour of the skin are some of the risks involved in laser therapy.
Cold compress
This can help to relieve pain and discomfort caused by genital warts. Cold compress on the warts for an hour daily and pain killers can help in giving relief from the discomfort and pain of genital warts.