Brown Rice for Diabetes

Brown rice is a healthy whole grain food that contains a starchy endosperm, nutrient-rich germ and an intact bran layer of the grain. Only the outer hard hull of the grain is removed. Brown rice is primarily rich in carbs along with many other nutrients. Does that make them safe for diabetic people? Why Brown…

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How Can Diabetes Cause Blurry Vision?

Diabetes is a pressing disease involving complex metabolism. The body of diabetic patients either cannot produce enough insulin or can’t use it efficiently. Your body cells require sugar or glucose to produce energy. Insulin helps your body cells to break down stored sugar. When your cells do not get enough insulin to break down sugar,…

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Diabetes Insulin Pump – How it Works

Diabetes patients need to keep blood sugar levels within the safe range to avoid long-term complications. People with type 1 diabetes cannot produce enough insulin to use blood glucose. Again, patients with type 2 diabetes develop insulin resistance making it difficult to process blood sugar. These patients require insulin therapy to make up for insulin…

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Supplements That Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Certain supplements can benefit patients of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in lowering the blood sugar levels. Taking supplements with diabetes medication can also help in reducing the dosage of the medication. Following supplements can help lower your blood sugar: Cinnamon Derived either from an extract, or prepared by powdering whole cinnamon, these supplements work…

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