Yoga poses to get rid of constipation

Shying away from talking about bowels will not solve the uneasiness you feel during constipation. It is a painful and uncomfortable situation which needs immediate care for quick healing. Sometimes you feel like taking laxative pills, but that could be troublesome during a regular working day. You cannot run to the loo every now-and-then and…

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Yoga poses to get rid of gas

Sometimes we do over-indulge ourselves with food and then feel bloated. The repercussions are usually gas and acidity. Rather than having antibiotics to solve the issue, try something healthier and natural. In this article, we have listed down the main yoga postures, which should be followed during such conditions. Doing yoga for fifteen minutes will…

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Best hair accessories for teenage girls

Accessories are the additional enhancements to our look, which at times makes a huge difference. Adding accessories are like those finishing touches which you want to do to yourself to enhance your hairstyle or your clothes. In this article, we will solely concentrate on hair accessories for teenage girls. Teen years are those years in…

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Yoga poses for thyroid

Do you know that the most troublesome disease, thyroid can now be eliminated with some simple Yoga pose? Even after the tough medication and treatment, thyroid remains to exist in the same way. Yoga is a natural way to treat thyroid without any side effects. There is variety of Yoga asanas which helps in massaging…

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