Skin care tips for teenage girls

Adolescence is a pretty difficult transition period for any girl. There are hormonal changes inside the body and physical changes on the outer parts of the body. The toughest problem faced during these changes is the breakout of acne.  This condition is unavoidable but can be dealt with in a proper manner. Before trying to…

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Curry leaves for hair growth

Magical hair can be seen in television commercials and movies. You must be envying the characters whose have such a wonderful hair type. There might be some artificial effect or camera trick in getting such a beautiful blend of hair. But, there are some wonderful tips. With some effective household remedies, you can easily get…

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Health benefits of Ghee

We all know that ghee is prepared by heating the milk cream, it contains of both saturated fatty acids and mono-saturated fatty acids. The stable saturated bonds present in the ghee are less tend to form the free radical molecules while cooking hence ghee is good for the body as the fatty acids easily metabolized….

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Best tips for long hair

Long is the crowning glory of the looks of most women. Women crave for long healthy and shining hair, but it is necessary for them to realize and understand to maintain the long tresses. Long hair requires special attention and care. Having long hair enhances your external beauty and makes you appear so perfect and ravishing….

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How to condition hair naturally

Conditioning your hair properly is vital in order to maintain the health of the hair and also to prevent damage.  Dry and damaged hair does not only look odd and becomes difficult to manage but also triggers hair fall. So, to stay away from all these problems conditioning your hairs properly is vital. There are…

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