Are you getting troubled due to dark circles? Are the dark circles making your confidence low? Are you willing to get rid of them? If yes then, you need to follow the remedies that have been introduced in this article. The primary reason for the dark circle is over stress, disrupted sleep, and other similar symptoms. Do you know green tea is one of the great options to treat dark circles? Green tea has antioxidants and tennis that play a vital role in dealing with the dark circles as well as other eye issues.
How does green tea work for dark circles?
We know well that every problem has the solution, but you must be thinking how green tea is an effective remedy to treat dark circles. Well before, we start discussing the remedies let you know the reasons that make it useful for dark circles of the eye.
There two main ingredients that make green tea one of the great options to treat your eyes. Tannins and caffeine are the components that work effectively to get rid of the problem. Tannin is an ingredient that provides flavor and color of green tea. Tannins contain astringents that are helpful to reduce blood vessels and capillaries it also works as caffeine does. Let’s talk about the next ingredient that is caffeine; it is a useful component that can help to shrink the blood vessels that are inside the skin. It is also helpful to reduce swelling that result in the reduced dark circle with the quick effects.
Can other tea treat your dark circle?
It is a quite common question that must be arising in your mind. So let you know the answer whether other tea is effective to treat dark circles? Yes, you can also try black tea as well as chamomile tea for your dark circles. Chamomile tea contains anti-inflammatory properties that you can even call gentle anti-inflammation agent. It is beneficial to reduce OR prevent the dark circles. Now let’s talk about black tea, it is also a useful remedy for the dark circle that can also help you to reduce the puffiness of your eyes along with the dark circles.
Which tea is the better option to deal with dark circles green tea, black tea, OR white tea?
We have mentioned above that you can also look for other tea to reduce the dark circles. After listening, the above statement one question arises which tea can give better result to treat dark circles?
You can get relief from any tea whether it green tea, black tea, OR white tea. The difference among tea is only the quantity of caffeine. The high quantity of caffeine is available in black tea. Green tea gets the second rank when it comes to measuring the quantity of caffeine white tea has the less caffeine than them. You can choose any of that tea to get rid of dark circles.
How to use green tea/other tea for dark circles?
It is an easy remedy that needs only hot water and tea bags. Take 1 ½ cup of hot water. Add two tea bags in it. Leave them for 4-5 minutes. After around five minutes, take them out. Place both the tea bags on a plate. Place that plate in the fridge for next 20-25 minutes. Now the remedy is entirely ready to use. Take them out from the refrigerator. Remove the excess water. Make sure; you have not made the tea bags dry. The tea bags should be damp. Now lay down with the fully relaxed mind. Place both the tea bags over your eyes. Leave them over your eyes for 20-25 minutes. Remove the tea bags from the eyes before washing off with cold water.