Are you wondering how to figure out if you are pregnant? Read this article to know when to be alarmed. Pregnancy symptoms are noticeable within a week of conception.
What are the physical signs of early pregnancy?
Missed period
If your period is regular and your menstrual cycle is on track, a missed period is your alarm. You should take a pregnancy test.
Feeling fatigue every now and then is your second alarm. This would also involve feeling sleepy more than usual. This is caused due to increased levels of progesterone hormone.
The body starts to produce more blood to support the growing fetus which makes you feel exhausted.
You may feel dizziness or lightheadedness due to fluctuation in your blood pressure caused by dilated blood vessels.
Nausea and vomiting
Another big sign is nausea or vomiting which is known as a morning sickness. It is due to rapid increase in estrogen levels which slows down the process of clearing the stomach.
Mood swings
It is very common to have mood fluctuations due to increase in estrogen and progesterone levels in the body. The emotions are sad, anxious, depressed or unable to concentrate.
Tender and swollen breasts
Due to hormonal changes your breasts feel tender and swollen. They may feel heavier and sore. Color and size of nipples changes.
Hot flashes
Hot flashes make you feel as if you are wrapped in a surge of heat wave gripping your organs. This with other signs is an alarm.
Craving for certain food
Pregnancy hormones makes you crave for your favorite food even in the middle of the night. This is an indication of early pregnancy.
Another sign of an early pregnancy is the stomach twinges and pull which is caused due to increases in progesterone. It traps gas in the intestines and slows down the digestion. There are unpleasant burp and farts.
Spots, Acne and bumps
Pimples and zits are caused during the premenstrual phase due to increase in hormone levels. It can also reverse the occurrence of acne.
Skin changes
The skin starts to glow due to oil secretion from the glands caused by increased hormones and blood flow.
Excessive thirst
This symptom arises even before you miss your period. Increase in blood volume makes you feel excessively thirsty.
Changed sense of smell
The sense of smell becomes very powerful. This is due to an increased level of HCG hormone. Sometimes it causes the feeling of nausea with a strong distaste for certain foods.
Drooling or salivation
Saliva secretion in some women increases before missing the period caused by building extra liquid in the mouth.
Vaginal discharge
There is a color change in the vaginal discharge. It changes color from white to pinkish or brown. This is caused due to increase in level of blood flow and estrogen.
Abdominal pain
It is normal to experience this symptom. It is due to the fetus implantation and changes that takes place in the stomach. This pain is different compared to that of cramps.
High Blood pressure
A number of women complain about high blood pressure. It can occur even before missing your period. If you have hypertension, it can lead to complications. It is advisable to consult the doctor.
Weight gain
You tend to gain weight of about 1-4 pounds during the initial months.
During the initial time there is leak of stomach acid because the valve between your stomach and esophagus are relaxed. This causes heartburn.
Increased basal body temperature
The oral temperature of your body, when you wake up in the morning is called the basal body temperature. This increases slightly after ovulation and remains constant till the next period. You can predict your ovulation time from the basal body temperature changes. When it remains high for 2 weeks, it’s an indication of pregnancy.
Frequent urination
There are hormonal changes which causes increased amount of blood flow. This results in more liquid processing by the kidney which increases fluids in the bladder. This is the reason for the urge to urinate every now and then.