Erectile dysfunction means inability to sustain erection for longer time for a radiant intimacy. Previously, erectile dysfunction is considered as impotence and people use to think it is a serious problem but the fact is presently 80 million men globally are facing this problem.
Discussing about the problem with doctor makes uncomfortable for some people but, there is nothing to feel ashamed or anything about this, erectile dysfunction may occurred due to serious health problems as well and it is necessary to talk with your doctor about the problem and getting help at the right time helps you prevent other health problems.
Today, you can find various popular drugs that are easily available in the market to overcome erectile dysfunction. Food and dietary products also help you overcome this problem easily.
In this article you can find 10 best foods that act like Viagra and helps you lead healthy and happy marital life.
Ashwagandha is one of the old ayurvedic Indian herbs which people used from ages. Hard working and lots of stress cause lack of physical intimacy. This herb includes several properties which reduce the stress from your mind and make your mind fresh and cool.
There are several types of research which show, that if you consume daily this herb, it will increase your inner desire and help you to offer the best performance.
From the ancient time, Roman’s are mostly used this beetroot to increase their inner desire. This fruit includes tryptophan. It is one type of chemical which makes your health better and stronger. It also helps to reduce the stress level, and help you to make strong desire.
If you consume daily blueberries, it will improve the blood flow and help human body relaxing their blood vessel. If you constantly consume this fruit 3 week, it will improve your sex life and you can enjoy more with your partner easily.
It will provide you happy sexual life. It makes your body relax and it provides strength as well.
After a certain age, men’s estrogen level increases and testosterone levels fall. Broccoli includes a high range of indoles, which increase the testosterone quantity in your body and it will also increase the male sex hormones.
It is the best way to improve the healthy efficiency and it will also increase the interest of intimacy. It will satisfy your partner completely. Daily consume this vegetable and get a good result.
Pomegranate boosts your energy levels and helps you spend a steamy night with your partner. Pomegranate juice works perfectly and acts like a Viagra, it is 100 percent natural so there is no chance of any kind of side effects.
A glass of pomegranate juice helps you lead a happy intimacy and gives total satisfaction. Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants that help to enhance blood flow through your genital area. Try drinking pomegranate juice and see how it enhances your energy level.
Watermelon, according to recent studies watermelon is one of the best fruit which completely act like Viagra. A slice of watermelon spices up your desires.
Citrulline in watermelon relaxes blood vessels; this chemical produces arginine and creates Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide plays vital role in your sexual life as it increases your emotions and gives you stronger erection.
Green Vegetables
Green Veggies like Spinach, Cabbage and any other green leafy veggies are also acts as Viagra.
Green veggies contains heaps of Vitamins and minerals, Vitamin E enhances your energy level and releases hormones for satisfying intimacy. Spinach is good for women as it is loaded with manganese which amplifies female fertility.
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds also one of the best foods that act like Viagra. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc and omega-3 fatty acids that help to rouse sex hormones-levels.
Dark chocolate
Dark Chocolate is known as love poison. Dark chocolate increases your sensuality. This is a natural Viagra that enhances your mood, feeling and helps you reduce stress.
The chemicals that are found in dark chocolate are Serotonin and phenethylamine enhances your libido.
The hot and spicy paprika spices up your energy levels and helps you spend hot steamy and spicy night. Capsaicin increases blood flow and it enhances your libido.
Strawberries also act like Viagra; this fruit increases your sexual desires. Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C and improve sperm quality. Enjoy your evening with a bowl of strawberries.
Banana contains loads of potassium that enhances blood flow. Banana also contains Vitamin B which keeps you energetic for longer time. It also increases testosterone.
Nuts and Dry fruits
Studies suggest that high energy provides satisfactory intimacy. Nuts are rich in Vitamin B3 that increases energy level and sperm quality. Try some dry fruits and nuts for good and healthy life.
Oysters is loaded with Zinc, which is known as sex mineral. Zinc increases the sperm production and pumps up blood flow. Eat Oysters before intimacy as it act like Viagra and gives you complete pleasure.
Raisins are well known to boost libido. Arginine is long been used for treating sexual problems like dysfunction and erectile. Raisins are a great source of energy and helps in better sex performance.
Oats are the best libido boosting meal. The food which contains cereals like oats increases the energy level and keeps the testosterone and estrogen at right levels.
Adding some spices while cooking and serve to your loved ones. This increase the blood flow and libido. It stimulates the production of endorphins.
Avocados are having vitamin B6, heart healthy fats and folic acid that act as a fuel to the body for increasing the energy. Vitamin B6 is the most important that helps the hormone production in men. This is the key for strong sex drive.
Almonds are having essential fatty acids that are important for man’s hormone production. Eat the raw almonds or sprinkle them on the food items or salads to get energy.
Eggs are having rich source of vitamin B6 and B5. These vitamins balance the hormone levels and fight stress. As usual eggs are the symbol for rebirth and fertility. Eat eggs to increase the libido.
The best natural alternative for Viagra is cardamom. This cardamom contains cineole which increases the blood flow to the sexual organs. Use the cardamom in tea.
Vitamin E is very high in asparagus which is very important for libido. It is also having folate that is important to women trying to conceive.
Maca is touted as a natural Viagra. It is a root vegetable from Peru. Maca is the super food to increase sex drive both in women and men.
Especially it increases the sperm count in men. It is completely packed with minerals, amino acids and vitamins. Add maca powder in smoothies or use it when baking.
Though this is small fruit but packed with lot many benefits. Calcium, potassium, iron and zinc are rich in figs. Try all these mentioned food to enhance your sexual desires as these foods act like Viagra and help you lead a happy life.
Spinach is effective to increase sexual desire. It is dubbed with natural remedies of erectile dysfunction. The spinach also contains Vitamin E like all other green leafy veggies.
If you want to perform special performance on bed during sex, you must include varieties of foods into your diet chart.
Strawberries are one of them which can be used as a supplement to enhance the sexuality. The strawberries are riched with Vitamin C and other supplements too.