Changes in your body in first trimester

During the first trimester of pregnancy your experience will be full of different feelings. You will be excited some time and scary also you can even go through the anxiety and stress. There are some obvious changes during the first trimester like your periods stop that let you know whether you are pregnant. You will…

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Natural Ways to Control and Treat PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome is very common in women that are in their reproductive age. The symptoms of PCOS are: irregular menstrual cycle ovarian cysts obesity acne thinning of hair The causes of PCOS are uncertain but two of the major factors of PCOS are insulin resistance and hormone regulation. You can easily control these symptoms…

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Herbs for PCOS

People with PCOS condition cannot regulate the insulin, so it gets build up in the body and causes to produce higher levels of the male hormones known as androgens. Adaptogen herbs help to balance these hormones. Some of them also help to ease other symptoms of PCOS.  These herbs are not FDA approved so you…

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