How garlic helps for your health?

Garlic is extensively used in Indian culinary. There is hardly any non-veg item that is prepared well without the addition of garlic. In Ayurveda, garlic has been noted for its extensive medicinal properties and now science has proved that garlic actually contains some ingredients that can be highly helpful for a good health. Garlic is…

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How to prevent and treat constipation?

Constipation also known as costiveness or dyschezia refers to trouble with passing stools. This condition occurs due to any disturbance in the digestive tract that is infrequent. The normal length of time between bowel movements ranges widely from person to person. Some people have bowel movements three times a day; others, only one or two times a week. Going longer than…

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Green tea face packs for glowing skin

Packed with abundant antioxidants, green tea is an excellent substance to fight against free radicals that have damaging effects on your skin. Following are the uses of green tea leaves in facial skin: Glowing and shining skin: The antioxidants present in the green tea improves the skin texture and helps in maintaining the shininess of…

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