Methods to stay hydrated in summer

Summer is the season when you sweat too much and get dehydrated. But, there are also varieties of ways through which you can stay hydrated during the summer. As soon as the temperature rises, it becomes important to drink much so that you remain hydrated. But, you must also avoid caffeine or alcoholic drinks. Try…

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Low carb diet side effects

Low carb diet is just like keto diet that helps to lose weight while promoting good health. Low carb diet is also helpful for those who are suffering some specific health issues like obesity, overweight, sedentary, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, certain forms of cancer, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, Parkinson’s, and cardiovascular disease. There is a certain…

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Best essential oils for dandruff

Dandruff although may not seem like a serious health risk, it is quite challenging and annoying live with. It is a skin condition that only progresses and becomes worse if not properly taken care of. It causes irritation, itchiness, and possibly embarrassment in social situations. Dandruff can be treated in different ways, through prescription medications…

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DIY – Breast enhancement teas

Hey women, this article is for those who wish to get beautiful bigger boobs. I have an easier, budget-friendly and even kitchen friendly option for you. Forget about surgical procedures. Grab your kitchen ingredients and herbs to prepare tea. With just a few herbs, you can increase breast-developing estrogen in the body. I do not…

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