How to understand body language

Do you always speak what you feel? No you don’t and neither the person at the other side of the table. We all have mastered the art of hiding our true feelings in social situations pretty well, however, still, there are cues that can be interpreted to get exactly what you might be thinking. Body…

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How to ask questions wisely

Asking a question need not to be a very difficult or confusing task. However, in order to get the best answer to fill your knowledge, it is important to keep a few things in mind. When it comes to asking questions, the setup has a lot to do. If you are in an educational setup…

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Grooming tips for an interview

So, the interview for your dream job is just a few days away and you are all ready to face the board and to make the heads turn. However, are you really ready for it? You must be aware that in an interview it is not only your qualifications and knowledge that will be judged,…

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Best ways to bully proof your kid

Bullying amongst the kids is quickly becoming a serious concern. If you have been ignoring the mild complaints of your child about some particular mate at school, it might be the high time when you should start paying due attention to his words. As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child…

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