Burdock root & oil benefits for hair growth – How to use it and its benefits

Mother Nature has given us several natural ingredients, which deeply nourish your hair and can solve almost any hair problem; burdock root is one of them! Burdock plant or Arctium is a native to Europe; however, it is spread vigorously around the globe.

Burdock oil is extracted from the roots and leaves of burdock plants. It has amazing hair growth and nourishing properties.

Burdock oil benefits for hair growth

Deeply nourishes your scalp

Tips to increase hair volume

Burdock oil contains Vitamin A and other fatty acids, which deeply nourish your scalp. Thus, a healthy scalp promotes hair growth.

Supports the functions of sebaceous glands

Due to relieving and soothing effect of burdock oil, it improves the functioning of sebaceous glands and hair follicles and stimulates hair growth.

Treats dandruff and other scalp irritations

Burdock oil has many medicinal properties, which can treat several scalp infections and also eradicate and control the growth of dandruff. This contributes to overall nourishment of hair thus contributing to hair growth.

How to make Burdock oil?

Borax for hair growth

Rather than buying burdock oil from the market, you can make it on your own with the following procedure:


  • Pure Vegetable oil
  • Fresh burdock root
  • Airtight glass jar
  • Mortar and pestle


  • Cut the burdock root into small pieces and smash it with mortar and pestle to extract more root flesh.
  • In order to concentrate the nutrients and reduce the excess moisture in the roots leave the smashed root to dry out for a day.
  • The next days, put the smashed dried root in a glass jar, pour vegetable oil into it and seal it.
  • Leave the mixture in a dark room for six weeks to infuse.
  • Open the jar every week to release the gas.

How to use burdock oil for hair

Botox for hair growth

The procedure of using burdock oil for hair needs a lot of attention and patience. Every step must be done correctly and carefully.

  1. Before applying burdock oil on your hair, wash your hair 2 times with any mild shampoo. Remove excess water with a towel; do not blow-dry your hair.
  2. Depending upon the length of your hair take adequate amount of burdock oil in a small and deep glass bowl.
  3. Heat the oil in a microwave until the temperature reaches at least 40 degrees.
  4. Divide your hair into thin strands and clip them up.
  5. Take the warm burdock oil on your fingertips and gently massage your scalp for some time.
  6. Once you have nourished your scalp and hair roots with burdock oil, take a sponge or brush and gather one or more hair strands. Comb the hair strands and distribute burdock oil from roots to the tips using a sponge or brush. Repeat the same procedure for remaining hair strands. (Make sure the oil is warm)
  7. To increase the effectiveness of burdock oil you need to give your hair a steam bath. For this, wrap your hair stands in cling film, cover your entire head with a plastic bag and wrap your hair in terry towel.
  8. Now on your blow dryer and heat your towel wrapped hair for 7-8 minutes.
  9. Remove the terry towel, plastic cover and the cling film.
  10. Wash your hair in running water for 5-8 minutes.Apply shampoo, let it foam and wash thoroughly 4-5 times until the oil is completely eradicated from the roots and each corner of your hair.
  11. Let your hair dry naturally.
  12. For best results follow this procedure after every 5-6 days for 2 months or until you get the desired results.

How does burdock oil work?

Botox hair treatment

Burdock oil has been used since 3000 plus years globally and is the primary content of many hair and skin care medicines. It has several medicinal properties, which can treat several hair problems like dandruff, scalp irritation, scalp infections, dryness in hair etc.

Moreover, it contains mucilage, inulin, tannis, fatty acids and vitamin A that provide deep nourishment to your hair. Burdock oil is anti-infectious, antimicrobial, loaded with antioxidants due to which it reduces hair problems, enriches the appearance and health of your hair and scalp.

Using burdock oil also on scalp boosts the supply of oxygen and other vital nutrients to the hair follicles. It improves the blood flow around the scalp, which prevent your hair follicles from dying.