How to use neem for skin care

Neem is a well-known herbal remedy that has been used for centuries. It is packed with potent ingredients, which can cure or aid with a plethora of skin and hair conditions and is therefore found within countless proprietary skin and hair care products. Neem houses a variety of antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and…

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Melasma home remedies

Melasma happens to be a chronic skin problem which leads us to having symmetrical and blotchy pigmentation which look brown in color. It can lead you embarrassment and is quite a mental distress. This is at times referred to chloasma. The skin condition is more common in women than in men. The ratio is about…

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Best cleansers for dry skin

Daily skin care is a must for everyone but the people with dry skin should take some extra time for face and skin care regime. The face should not have breakouts and acne to be considered perfect. The cleansers that can help you achieve such results should be welcome. Few such facial cleansers may be…

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