How to get rid of dandruff with green tea? – Dandruff remedy with green tea

It is easy to promote the long, healthy, thick hair which will be absolutely devoid of dandruff.

Reasons to use green tea

Home remedies for dandruff

Who does not aspire for long and cascading hair like Rapunzel? Yes, everyone does it and it is not hard to achieve. When one is offered with the daily substances, then why to waste those and it will be something creative to make full utilisations. The daily routine is followed by the intake of consuming some cups of tea. The recent trend goes by having green tea. It not only has a very effective result in reducing the excess fat but one also remain too much beneficial for hair therapies and as a cleansing agent. In order to get rid of uneasiness, dirt and dandruff, the easiest solution is to apply some authentic product on the scalp. It is surely everyone who is benefitted by the use of green tea.

Benefits of using green tea

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As harsh chemicals should be avoided to be applied on scalp, so the best treatment can be done with green tea. Green tea is such product that it serves beneficial for exfoliating the dry flakes acting as root of dandruff. What needs to be done, is just to have a look in the kitchen and take two packets of green tea. It is advised to make cup of tea, cool down and then start applying the substance on the scalp directly. Green tea is rich in antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, so it works wonder for promoting healthy scalp which will be devoid of dandruffs. As everyone wants to complete the entire process and hair treatment is followed by the use of conditioner, green tea acts as the best hair conditioner. It nourishes and cleanses from within by providing soft, supple growth of hair. Green tea can offer some soothing effects and help to obtain shiny, healthy and lustrous growth of hair.