Why my period still missed after using birth control pill?

You can prevent pregnancy by taking birth control pills. These pills can affect your menstrual cycle. Some of the women may experience lighter bleeding while others may skip their period. If you have missed your period without any reason then it is known as amenorrhea.

There are several reasons behind missing your period because of taking birth control pills. These are:


If you are undergoing a high level of stress then it can affect your mind and the body. Excessive stress can impair the function of the hypothalamus. This controls the regulation of the hormones. So, it is advisable to determine the reason for your stress and manage your stress to get your period back on track.


Excessive amounts of exercise can also imbalance the hormone levels and stop your period. You should do your exercise in a moderate amount to stay fit. Athletics and dancers may suffer from hormonal imbalance.

Changes in the diet

If you make changes in your eating habits and end up losing weight suddenly then that can affect your menstrual cycle. If you are underweight then it can cause your body to ovulate and disturb your period cycle. Women who have an eating disorder like anorexia and bulimia are at a risk.

Continuous use of birth control

Some women choose to take birth control pills continuously. In this, you will take active pills for three months followed by inactive pills for a week. This will cause your period to come four times a year though you might spot in between. It is also common for women who use injectable birth control options to experience lack in periods.

If you miss your period then does it mean you are pregnant?

Even if you are on birth control pills there are chances that you can get pregnant. If your sex life is active and you have skipped your period or noticed only spotting then you should contact your doctor. In case, you have missed or skipped any dose of your medication then you must check if you are pregnant. You can take a home

pregnancy test to see if it is negative or positive. If your test comes out positive then you need to start your prenatal vitamins and visit a doctor. 

The symptoms of pregnancy are:

  • missed period
  • nausea
  • tenderness in breasts
  • fatigue
  • lower backache
  • frequent urge to urinate

You might begin to see these signs after one week of a missed period. Chances of becoming pregnant can occur when you miss two or more doses of the pills in a row or get late by a day or two to take your injectable birth control.

How does birth control pills work?

There are two types of birth control. One type has a combination of man-made female hormones estrogen and progesterone and the other is progestin-only minipill. Birth control pills can also be taken to deal with menstrual issues such as cramps, heavy bleeding, and acne. 

It helps to prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation, thickening of cervical mucus so the sperm does not reach the egg and make the uterine lining thin so the fertilized egg can not be implanted.

The pills come in a pack of 28 pills where the first 21 pills contain the hormones and the last 7 pills are just placebos. You need to take the pills at the same time each day so the hormone levels are maintained. You take the placebos so you remember to take the pills every day without skipping the dose. 

Birth control pills are 99% effective if they are taken on time without missing the dose. If you have diarrhea or vomiting then there are chances that the effectiveness gets reduced. 

How to maintain your menstrual cycle?

If you have missed your period while you were on the pill without missing any dose then you are not pregnant. It is just because of the hormone that is in the pill. If you miss the second period then also it is unlikely but if your sex life is active then it is highly advisable to take a pregnancy test to be sure about it. 

After you find the cause, you can work on getting your period back on track. This can be done in several ways:

  • Manage your stress. Try breathing exercises, yoga, take a walk, jogging or play a sport.
  • Eat a healthy diet and keep your weight in a normal range. 
  • Exercise regularly