Blood donation facts and advantages

There are several health benefits of blood donation. When you donate blood you can eliminate the risk of having cancer. You even have lesser chances of suffering from hemochromatosis. In the process the liver and the pancreas is less damaged. When you donate blood the cardiovascular health is all the more improved and there are…

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Uric acid rich foods

Uric acid is a chemical produced within your body when the body breaks down and give rise to purines. There are some food and drinks where purines are present those include beer, mackerel, peas, beans, anchovies and dried beans. This is a particular acid which tends to dissolve in the blood and then travels through…

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Best health benefits of Mushrooms

Mushrooms are edible fungi from the “Agaricus” family. There are around 140,000 different species of mushrooms and only 100 of them have been studied so far for their effective health benefits and medicinal properties. So, when it comes to the potential health benefits of mushrooms, we have to accept that our knowledge is limited only…

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Best food that cleanse the kidneys

The kidneys are primarily responsible for the elimination and the detoxification of the body. They regulate the mineral and sodium levels in the body. They are the largest organs of the body. They also produce the bile juice that is required to break down the fats in the body. The following are the foods that…

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