Best tips for headache relief

Headaches are one of the most common complaints by most people. They are prevalent in people belonging to any age, race or gender. Headache can be caused by work stress, family demands and irregular sleep schedule. Depending on the type of headache the pain can last for an hour or carry on for weeks. The…

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Best food with rich calcium

Calcium is an important mineral that is required by the body to maintain good health. It is required for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It is also important for the functioning of the nervous system. It helps the nerves to carry messages from the brain to other parts of the body. It is also believed…

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Best tips to stop drinking alcohol

Once you are a regular drinker of alcohol, it will be really difficult for you to stop it at once. But, you can certainly lessen the frequency gradually. You can off course stop drinking alcohol totally but this cannot be done in a single day. You need to lessen the intake quantity and the frequency…

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Health benifts of tulasi or basil

Tulsi is a sacred seed using several health benefits. This specific sacred botanical herb is actually planted inside almost all the actual Indian residence as it brings in freshness and stimulates the environment. It is widely known inside the southern parts of Asia along with useful for faith based along with therapeutic purpose. Tulsi continues to be…

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Health benefits of drinking water

Drinking sufficient water has extensive health benefits that we often overlook. The importance of drinking enough water everyday is not anyway less than the importance of having a proper nutritional diet everyday. In fact, your body might do without food for a day, but it cannot really work smoothly without water, even for a single…

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