Tips to improve your poor appetite

For many people, overeating has been proved to be a major problem. But, at the same time, another group of people suffers from the problem known as low appetite. It becomes really tough for individuals to consume food if they don’t have hunger. Thus, people with a very low appetite, suffer from many problems. Due…

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Understanding food cravings

Different people have cravings for variety of food products. Some wish to have food rich in extra calorie whereas other has craving for salt. A high calorie diet buster will be devoid of nutrients. You many not only come across the dieters with craving for food, rather the individuals who precede with off diets gets…

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Farts? Tips to control farts

Farts are a common word used for the physical condition in an individual where excessive gas generation in the intestine is expelled through the anus. This is due to some problem in the digestive system. The medical word related to this condition of the individual is known as Flatus or Flatulence. Intestinal gas can be…

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Why women craving for sugar?

It is quite common to find carving for sugar among women. But, many people are unaware of its real reasons. The reasons for women’s carving sugar may vary. The reasons can also be biological in some cases. You can now research and find out variety of reasons for sugar carving. Sugar carving is a peculiar…

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