How to improve oral hygiene

Regular brushing and cleaning teeth is one prime way to maintain proper oral hygiene. It keeps us away from tooth decay or gum diseases. Some more things which can be efficient as well would include mouthwashes, eating healthy, tongue cleaning, reducing sugar consumption through drinks or food, etc. Stop smoking and consuming tobacco products which…

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How to use henna for hair dye?

Henna is not only the ingredient for hair dye.  You will get a wonderful natural conditioning with the same. Your hair will become soft, smooth and healthy. It is really important for you to go ahead with henna conditioning at least once in a month. If you can do in every 15 days, that will…

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Vitamins for hair growth & stop hair loss

These days, your appearance majorly determines the fate for success, and hence, making the perfect appearance to the public is absolutely a must. To accomplish this objective, you go on trying various tricks, like dressing in the most fashionable outfits, trying the best fashion accessories, so or and so forth. However, nothing would accomplish the…

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