How to prevent cataract formation naturally?

Though cataract is a very common disease, but there are various natural remedies that are often advised and practiced to prevent cataract. Nowadays, eye doctors recommend eye-drops to ensure the cure and finally when things go beyond the control of medicines, they recommend surgery to remove the cataract causing visual troubles to people. Some viable natural cataract prevention…

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How to get rid of a stye on / under eyelid

Stye is an infection of the secretory glands present on the eyelids. 90 to 95% sties are caused due to infection of staphylococcus, however, other bacteria may also cause the infection. Sties appear like a pimple-like lump on the lower or upper eyelid and are quite painful. One or more sties can appear at the…

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How to cure ear piercing infection?

Ear piercing has become a fashion today with variety of earrings and top placed over the ear base to make an individual look different and attractive. Not only ladies but even males are also very eager to go for ear piercing. Some individuals are so obsessed about the ear piercing activity that they don’t make…

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