How to protect yourself from air pollution

If you are a health conscious person, you must follow a systematic lifestyle that includes balanced diets, regular exercising, stress management, and staying away from the heinous habits of consuming alcohol or tobacco but do you know with a single breathing your whole efforts can be jeopardized? Yes, this is scary!

From a recent assertion from World Health Organization, popularly called WHO- it is shared that air pollution is the world’s largest environmental risk which is threatening to all the living beings. It is estimated that the growing air pollution is responsible for the 7 million premature deaths occurred in 2012.

Thus, it is very important to take a stand and start thinking about protecting you and your family from the threatening air pollution with the best possible ways.

Following these methods, you can stay far from the health risks caused from air pollution such as—Heart Attacks, Appendicitis, High-Blood Pressure, Diabetes Type II, Breast Cancer, skin cancers, and more.

Here, a few preventives are shared that will genuinely help you protected from the vicious air pollution causing serious health hazards to the biotic world.

Stay tuned to the regular air pollution update

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Nowadays, there are various ways out to get an update of the current air pollution status. You can download apps that are promoted by many governments to aware people of the risk factors caused by air pollution.

For example, if you are anywhere in the United States, you can download the “American Lung Association’s State of the Air app” in your mobile phone from Google Play or from iPhone Itunes stores.

Besides the smart and high-tech systems, you can also get the update from the TV or radio news. From the newspapers or from the internet, the current status of the air pollution level can be received.

Avoid the busy streets

This is a kickass way to protect from the excess air pollution. You can avoid the busy city streets that are not only filled with air pollutants but also the hullaballoo of the tantrums formed by the choric char of the cars and other vehicles.

Get the walking streets or the lanes through which bikes or cycles passes that are far less polluted and easy to convey.

Change your outdoor exercising time

Are you a regular outdoor exercise fan? Then do go outdoors for exercising by early morning or by the late evening. It is not a good idea to go outdoors for the workout when the air is too polluted.

Instead of regaining your health you might suffer from the side-effects harbored by the air pollutions. So, beware about picking the time for outdoor exercising such as walking, jogging, running etc.

Install air filters

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Many of you install air purifiers that keep the ambiance of the indoors clear hygienic. By installing the air filters with the high-efficiency mechanism, you can stay protected from the infiltrations of the air pollutants.

It is highly recommended to change the filters once in six months to ensure the protection level at its best. But at the same time, make sure about the product’s recommendations. Depending on the make and models, these things are decided.

Be a responsible citizen

Along with protecting yourself from the harsh effects of the air pollution, being a citizen of this earth, it’s your duty to take some positive actions in protecting the planet. Instead of taking out your car regularly, you can consider taking a bike ride or walking to the office.

If your city has tube or bus facilities, opting for that can reduce some amount of air pollution. Opting for carpool services to reach the workplace sounds great too.

Use balanced energy at home

Like a responsible citizen of this planet, your contribution to balance the air pollution can be enhanced a bit further by reducing the power at home.

You can use LED bulbs and other lights and home appliances that are recently evolved with the assurance of consuming less electricity. Instead of using an electrical mower you can opt for the one run by gas. This is how you can help the Earth to stay protected from the air pollution.

Apart from all these preventions consuming less tobacco is also included. You stay protected from the air pollution and make the world a better place to live.