How to sleep well during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need more care and pamper yourself than you have ever done before. In order to change your lifestyle, you get disturbed also. The sleeping disturbance is not uncommon while you are pregnant. There can be several reasons for getting your sleep disturbance like hormonal changes, stress, anxiety, work pressure, and physical changes….

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Is it safe to delay my period?

Menstruation is one of the most difficult times for women, which they experience every month for 3-5 days. For some women it turns out to be a big nightmare, who suffer from PMS, Dysmenorrhea (Excessive pain and cramps during menstruation), Menorrhagia (Heavy bleeding) etc. Periods not only affect the physical health of a women but…

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Causes and symptoms of PMS

Premenstrual Syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms which a women experience five to fifteen days before her menstruation. This mainly includes physical, mental as well as behavioral changes. More than 80% of women experience these symptoms before her periods. The intensity of symptoms varies from mild to severe in different women and they…

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