Pimples are the worst problem that we are supposed to deal with growing up. They Rob us of our beauty and confidence. In order to treat these mischievous little pop ups on your face you have to do something about it. Today, we will be talking about ways where you can deal with pimples and the redness they cause overnight. So, are you ready to finally erase them off your face? If so then stay with us till the end of the article.
Treatment for redness of the pimple overnight
Pimples become red because of the inflammation that goes on around them. The only way to reduce the redness of the pimple is by reducing the size of the pimple. Here are simple ways to get rid of pimple swelling and redness overnight. Let’s see what are they.
Try cold compress
This method will help to reduce the inflammation, redness and pain caused by pimples. It can do wonders in a matter of few seconds. Wrap a piece of ice in a clean cloth and hold it gently against the pimple. Don’t squeeze the pimple or push it too hard. You can even dip a cotton ball in ice cold water. Squeeze out the excess water and hold it against the pimple. Repeat it several times for best results.
Use of Toothpaste
Before you go to sleep try out this easy and effective method. What do you need to do? Wash your face with lukewarm water and some mild face wash. Pat your face dry. Now, squeeze a small amount of toothpaste on your fingertip. The toothpaste shouldn’t be gel based or multi-colored. It has to be white. Apply it on the pimple. Don’t apply it around the pimple, simple apply it on the pimple. The next morning you wake up the redness and swelling of the pimple will be gone.
Use of Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel has many properties. Two of which are anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. This will help to reduce the redness of the pimple and provide great results in a matter of hours. Scoop out the gel of Aloe Vera and apply it on the pimple. Make sure your face has been washed properly before you apply it. Do this before you go to bed and you will see great results in a few hours.
These are the three easy ways you can deal with pimples and take care of the redness they cause in a matter of few hours.