Hair fall control tips for men

Never freak out every time you see some hair follicles trickling out. However, if you are experiencing continuous hair fall for quite a few days of late, then it might be the right time to take special care of your strands. However, before you jump-start finding different ways to check hair loss, you should know…

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Top skin care tips for men

Women are concerned about their beauty and try several methods of skin care but do not forget men too have their share of ‘beauty woes’. Daily cleansing and shaving can play havoc on their facial skin.  Men’s skin is dependent upon the male hormone testosterone. The skin is very thick and has more pores and…

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Beauty tips for men

The world is a fashion siesta and we are the performers on this stage of beauty. Well, those days have past when it was just the beauty of the women or ladies that was admired. Now the masculine also plays a big sport in this category. Needless to say, the men are now very concerned…

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