How to protect from mosquitoes

According to studies mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous life forms on the planet that causes death of hundreds of million people every year. Mosquito itself work as a vector to the germs of various deadly diseases and it transfers those germs to the body while biting a human being. Mosquitoes can cause severe…

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How to quit sugar completely

Regular intake of ample sugar can be responsible for various health issues. Besides diabetes, excessive increase of sugar level hampers the cardiovascular systems, liver, reduces the immune system, makes you smell bad, and prone to increase weight. Thus, it is suggested to quit sugar completely and stay protected from all the aforesaid health issues that can only cause…

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Best tips for cold relief

Common cold is a contagious illness that can be caused by different types of viruses. It is medically known as viral upper respiratory tract infection. The common symptoms of common cold are sneezing, running nose, cough, sore throat, watery eyes and nasal congestion. Experts say that there is no cure for common cold. Though some other infections along…

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