Arthritis is categorized as a combination of multiple joints disorders that includes the most common disease rheumatoid, and osteoarthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis deforms and twists the fingers and osteoarthritis weakens the knees. As per the NIH (National Institutes of Health) in America one in every 5 people are affected by arthritis.
In medical language the suffix “itis” in arthritis means inflammation. People who are suffering with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis must need to take more nutritious food to help them fight the disease.
Bones and joints are responsible for keeping the human body strong and moving but the bones can deteriorate with age, time and heavy physical activity.
Health of the bones and joints must be maintained to stay fit and prevent the degenerating process of the bones like osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pains. Eating foods that are rich in calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C and selenium will help to keep the bones and joints healthy.
The two key nutrients for building strong bones are calcium and Vitamin D.Calcium supports the bones structure, while vitamin D improves calcium absorption and bone growth.
These nutrients are important early in life, but them also help as one age. Plenty of calcium and Vitamin D slows the development of osteoporosis which makes the bones brittle and helps in preventing fractures in later ages.
How foods help prevent arthritis
As mentioned before arthritis is an inflammation disease. Physicians usually prescribe ibuprofen to reduce inflammation but the most logical and effective way to stop this inflammatory disease is through best foods. Arthritis problems mostly come with aging.
This problem occurs because of poor nutrition. To avoid such problems, start eating healthy food which helps you stay fit in long run. In this article you will find some of the best foods for joint health and help you prevent arthritis.
Fish is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 contains healthy fats that help in functioning of brain and grants healthy heart.
The fatty acids in omega-e also reduces inflammation, stiffness occurs with arthritis and pain, it also boost the body to absorb more calcium that gives strong bones.
The fish that helps you get good amount of calcium includes sardines, tuna and salmon. Fish with fatty acids also offers nutrients like red meat.
To prevent arthritis includes fish in your regular diet, the fishes like herring, work salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, halibut flounder or mackerel etc helps you fight arthritis and provides joint health.
Low-Fat – Dairy Products
Dairy products with low-fat offer sufficient amounts of nutrients, vitamin D and Calcium to enhance your bone strength and help you prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Dairy products with low-fat may reduce gout symptoms, which is also a kind of arthritis where uric acid builds up and become delineated in a joint.
Choose only non-fat or low-fat milk cottage cheese and yogurt for better results. If you are lactose intolerant then use soy based products that give equivalent benefits like low-fat dairy-products.
Flax seeds also contain omega -3 fatty acids and it is also fiber rich product. Flaxseeds improve digestive function and make you feel full when you consume flaxseed between meals.
With flax seeds you can also reduce weight, which is also good for joints as excess weight causes more stress on joints.
Add flaxseeds in your smoothies, or cereals, yogurt or any other kind of baked items and consume this amazing nutritious food as it reduces inflammation and helps you in many ways. Try using flax seeds regularly and reduce joint problems.
Whole grains
Whole grains are one of the best foods that provide stronger bones. Whole grains are completely nutritious food, foods like whole grain bread, pasta, brown rice, air-popped popcorn and wild rice etc improves your rheumatoid arthritis.
Whole grain foods are rich in fiber so it supports digestive system and also good for heart. Check the ingredients when you purchase bread or any other products to make sure that the ingredients are completely who grains to prevent further damage to your bones.
Learn more about such healthy foods to prevent arthritis and helps you build stronger bone. To avoid such health problems, one should take care in the beginning itself, getting proper nutritious food is one of the main sources to control the problem before it starts.
Get the list of best foods that helps your joints healthy and the food that helps you stay healthy and strong for better future.
Foods improve the health of bone & joints
- Milk – Milk or Milk Alternatives are rich sources of calcium which plays an important role in building and maintaining strong bones. There are some milk producers who fortify milk with Vitamin D which is important because it promotes calcium absorption. People suffering from lactose intolerance must substitute milk with soy milk and almond milk.
- Plain Yogurt – Yogurt, like milk, is rich in calcium, and certain brands contain essential vitamin D to promote absorption. Yogurt is also a source of protein which helps to build and repair the tissues in the body. Plain yogurt is more beneficial than flavored yogurts.
- Leafy Green Vegetables – Leafy green vegetables like collard greens, spinach and kale, are moderately high in calcium and high in vitamin C and selenium. Vitamin C helps in the functioning and protection of the cartilage in the body as it provides cushioning and support in the major joints of the body. Selenium has antioxidant properties which help to support the health of the bones and joints and in producing new calls.
- Calcium-fortified Cereal – Calcium-fortified Cereal is high in fiber and low in sugar, and gives a double dose of calcium to start the day. Breakfast cereals are often fortified with vitamins and minerals to make them more nutritious. A cup of fortified milk cereal provides the daily value of all the nutrients essential for bone and joint health.
- Edamame – This Asian soybean is packed with calcium. Edamame is found fresh or frozen at most grocery stores. Boil fresh whole edamame pods in lightly salted water or microwave frozen edamame and sprinkle with a small amount of sesame oil.
- Protein – Protein aids the production of collagen fibres that provide a framework for bones. Adequate protein intake is important for bone health. One must eat more of lean proteins that include skinless poultry, fish, beans, low-fat or fat-free-dairy foods, nuts and seeds in limited quantity, but avoid red meat, poultry skin, lard, butter, cream and tropical oils.
- Fruits – Focus on fruits, and a variety of vegetables which are sure to improve bone health. Choose fruits and vegetables in rainbow colours like greens, reds, oranges, blues and yellows which include oranges, cucumber, carrot, strawberries, urinal, blueberries, etc. Each one has its own combination of nutrients.
Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that are beneficial for bones. The different fruits and vegetable with their respective nutrients are–
- Magnesium: Spinach, okra, tomato, artichokes, plantains, potatoes, beet greens, sweet potatoes, collard greens and raisins.
- Potassium: Raisins, potatoes, tomato products, spinach, sweet potatoes, papaya, oranges, bananas and prunes.
- Vitamin C: Red and green peppers, pineapples, grapefruits, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, papaya and oranges.
- Vitamin K: Certain dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens and spinach.
- Magnesium: Spinach, okra, tomato, artichokes, plantains, potatoes, beet greens, sweet potatoes, collard greens and raisins.
Other tips for bone health
- Reduce the intake of salt as too much of sodium can lead to brittle bones. Salt is used as flavouring as well as a preservative of many foods. Salt intake can be reduced by eating food cooked at home with less salt, and limiting the consumption of canned foods, frozen meals, sauces and dressings as they contain extra salt.
- Reduce the intake of alcohol, tea, coffee, cola and other fizzy drinks as they reduce the amount of calcium and weaken bones.
- Maintain a healthy weight. Do not indulge in crash diets to lose weight as it increases the risk of osteoporosis.