Teething symptoms in a baby

Majority of babies cut their first teeth between 4 and 7 months of age. There can be one who gets the first tooth by the time he is 3 months. There may be another who my wait till he is one year old or may be even more.

Teeth normally start developing when the baby is not yet born. Teeth come one at a time over a period of months in a scheduled order –the bottom two middle teeth appear first, then follow the upper two middle teeth, then the others along the sides and back.

The last second molar teeth usually come when the child is two years old. By the time the child is 3 years old the set of 20 milk teeth are complete.

The development of teeth in babies can vary from one baby to another. Yet, there is a general period when each baby can get their teeth. Some babies develop their teeth as early as when they are 3 months old. But most babies starts getting teeth in their 6th month or just after that.

In many Indian custom, the first rice ceremony of the baby is conducted just before the time when baby starts getting teeth. Roughly between 5th to 6th months baby gets his first rice ceremony.

Teething symptoms in a baby

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Experts do not agree to any symptoms of teething like diarrhoea, fussiness, fever or other common symptoms. But parents often complain of some symptoms related to teething which include

  • Drooling Gum swelling and sensitivity
  • Irritability
  • Biting behaviour
  • Refusing food
  • Sleep problems

Many parents witness loose motions, running nose and fever as symptoms just before a new tooth is seen. Dr. Sears, the famous paediatrician believes that teething can cause diarrhoea and mild diaper rash because the saliva gathers in his guts and makes the stool watery. Fever can be caused by the inflammation of the gums before a tooth breaks out.

On the other hand other child development experts do not agree that fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, or loss of appetite is signs of teething. They assure that such symptoms can be caused by infection that is not related to teething, but the stress of teething can make the child vulnerable to different infections.

Ways to comfort the baby’s discomfort during teething

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Teething normally created itching on the gums. A rubber teething ring or some finger foods can be given to the baby.  Some cold foods like yogurt or ice cream can also give relief to an irritating baby. Sometimes rub the gums of the baby with your clean fingers or with a mild pain relief gel prescribed by the doctor.

The five signs of teething depicted in the child’s behaviour

  1. Drooling is one of the common sign of teething
  2. Gnawing at the fingers, breasts or nipples is another sign of itching on the gums of the baby.
  3. Crying may carry on as the baby feels some discomfort or pain while the tooth is pushing out.
  4. Fasting for the baby is the time when it refuses to take milk because sucking movements may increase the teething pressure. Ignore for some time, but if it persists it is better to consult a doctor.
  5. Waking up suddenly in the middle of the night with a howl can be a sign of the tooth cutting through the gums.

Home teething remedies

There are a lot of simple tools around the house to help manage teething signs

  • Cold washcloth: run a cold washcloth under cold water or place in the freezer for a minutes and let the child chew it, but throw the cloth for washing after each use.
  • Teething ring also gives relief but it should not be filled with liquid. If it is frozen hard it can also damage the gums.
  • Clean fingers and run a clean finger over baby’s gums.
  • Cold foods like yogurt and ice cream is soothing or try giving a chilled mashed banana or avocado
  • Teething biscuits are good for giving relief in teething problems.

Over the counter teething remedies

There are several over the counter teething remedies available in the market.

  • Teething gels provide temporary relief but can also cause an allergic reaction
  • Pain relievers should be avoided as far as possible.
  • Homeopathic remedies are increasing in popularity to provide relief to babies.

Most other fussy, behavioral symptoms are not easy to cope with, but just try to relax the baby by changing the environment, taking him for a walk or diverting his attention. If the parents are tense the baby is sure to create problems. Hence relax yourself and keep the baby relaxed.

Painful process of teething

Though teething in a baby is a normal procedure for every baby, but process is really painful. Babies actually get irritation and triggering pain as and when he gets teeth coming out from the gums.

Since your baby cannot express his pain in words, he will cry during the time. Mothers won’t be able to sleep during those nights when the baby develops teeth.

This process is carried on between the 4th and 8th months of the baby’s age. There are certain symptoms when baby will show when he is in the verge of getting teeth.

Symptoms of teething

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You must be thinking about how to understand whether the baby is teething. It can be found out with the view of certain symptoms. Some of the symptoms are:

  • Rubbing of gum
  • Wakefulness
  • Rubbing the ears
  • Biting
  • Mild temperature
  • Rash on face
  • Reduction in appetite
  • Drooling
  • Sucking
  • Irritability

How to keep your infant teeth healthy?

There are several ways through which you can get your infant’s teeth healthy. It is important to show your baby to a dentist for dental examination when he is 1 year old.

The feeding and cleaning habits in babies will be set with the aid of dentist. It is important to use tap water to clean your infant teeth as it includes fluoride.

It is really effectual for getting your teeth bones of your babies. But, this can also cause brown spots. You can use fluoride toothpaste when he is 2 year old.