Tips for postpartum dressing

During pregnancy you might be actually okay in your maternity clothes, but as soon as your little one arrives it is quite usual for you to wish to get back to your pre-pregnancy dresses. In fact, you have a wardrobe full of them and you just cannot opt for a new wardrobe to fit in…

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Tips for postpartum recovery

The postpartum stage is really crucial for every new mother. During this period the body needs more rest and care to heal from its wounds, while your newborn might actually need your 24×7 attention. Balancing between the two can be really challenging for anyone. While taking the best care for your newborn is vital, you…

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How does swine flu effect pregnancy

Swine flu is a transmissible respiratory disease. It is also called swine influenza because it affects the pig regularly. The people who are in direct touch with the pig they are usually affected, even it is transmissible from person to person. The H1N1 virus affects the people with swine flu. When you are pregnant that…

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