Hair fall control with yoga

Hair fall is a very common problem that all of us face nowadays. If the problem persists and there is remarkable thinning and baldness it feels really awful and we try to follow different means to tackle this problem. Hair fall can be due to some internal health problems or some external issues too, like genetic to hormonal imbalance, diseases or dandruff, unhealthy eating habits, or excessive smoking, or using too much chemicals on the hair to style it or some other stress related problems.

Hair loss can be taken care of with yoga, and of course a proper diet. Yoga connects the body and the soul. Yoga and pranayam surely can help relieve stress which in turn prevents hair loss. Yoga, along with meditation and correct breathing techniques, activates the whole body, helps in proper blood circulation, thus effectively improving body mechanisms and getting rid of stress and anxiety, thus preventing hair fall. Some of the yoga postures, where the head position helps in improved blood circulation to the scalp, thus working towards better hair growth.

Adho Mukha Savasana

Adho Mukha Savasana

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If you want to control your hair fall with yoga, then you can try Adho Mukha Svanasana. If you constantly follow this exercise daily, it will improve hair growth. This yoga offers several health advantages. In the head, it will promote blood circulation and nourishes the hair follicles. The exercise is simple and easy. First, stand and then try to touch the ground with your hand slowly. Hands kept perpendicular type to shoulders and knees. Now, try to stand on your toes, straighten your legs by sliding the hips out. Daily 10-15 times do this exercise and grab the best advantages. It will make your health fit and strong as well.



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This is another best yoga, which you can easily follow daily from home. The yoga is very simple and it requires very less time. Everyday if you follow this yoga 15-20 minutes, it will offer several health benefits. It will improve blood circulation, reduce tummy and stop hair fall. It will help to improve hair growth, increase hair thickness, etc. Try this yoga everyday or weekly 2-3 times and you will get several health benefits. It will improve health condition. Increase immunity system and reduce hair fall as well.


VajrasanaIt is another best yoga which people can do anytime and anywhere. This yoga offers several health benefits. If any people constantly follow this yoga, it will make your hair strong and thick. It helps to reduce the hair fall. It will also reduce the constipation problem. This yoga makes your mind fresh and cool! It will make your mind stable and reduce the obesity. It will remove stress and make your mind refreshed. If you constantly follow, it will increase the thickness of the hair easily.


SarvangasanaThis is another important game which is useful for hair. It will increase hair volume, thickness and remove roughness as well. Apart from the hair, it will also remove depression from life and provide power to muscles. Follow this yoga everyday, and you will get good health benefits and hair! Try these 20-30 minutes daily.

Do daily surya Namaskar


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Surya Namaskar is the most common of all asanas as it is a solution for almost all health problems. With no exception to hair loss too. It also works wonders if one is suffering from premature greying too. The Surya Namaskar has 12 poses which helps reduce weight around the waist, helps in blood circulation and is is an effective cardiovascular workout. It helps to keep the lungs healthy and thus the blood remains full of oxygen.

Sirsasana exercise

Sirsasana-exerciseSirsasana or the headstand is a tough posture. If one can master this posture, it has many physical as well as mental benefits too. It improves focus, helps to reduce stress and blood flow increases to the head which stops hair fall and helps in hair growth.

Utthanasana exercise

Utthanasana-exerciseUtthanasana helps in relieving all the stress and anxiety which is the root cause of hair fall. it helps in proper blood circulation to the head and to the scalp , thereby preventing hair loss.

Balayam yoga


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Balayam yoga made famous by Baba Ramdev, is a very simple asana that can be performed anytime and at any place. Just curl your fingers and rub the nails against each other very vigorously for a few minutes. It cures dandruff, promotes hair growth and also controls premature greying.

Anulom Vilom

Anulom-VilomAnulom Vilom are pranayam postures. One can inhale and exhale alternatively through the left and right nostrils staying focused and concentrating continuously for 5 minutes or more. This helps the lungs to function properly thus getting rid of tension, anxiety , depression and as a result  preventing hair loss.

Kapalbhati Pranayam

Kapalbhati-PranayamKapalbhati Pranayam is another method of inhaling and exhaling, this to be done with both nostrils, so that you are breathing in and out forcefully with the help of your stomach. This also has to be done for 5 minutes at a stretch. Continuous practice brings brightness to the face  and cures under eye dark circles. This also improves blood circulation to the body , thus checking hair fall and helping in hair growth.