Curry spice – a boost in brain repair

One of the journals published have stated the boosting capabilities of curries and ability to heal the brain capacities in human beings. According to the German study, a compound was found in turmeric which helps in growing the nerve cells. This is also known as a brain repair kit. This experiment was conducted on rats…

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Breast cancer risk on increase in skirt size

Women with increase in their skirt size in their middle age should be warned about the risk of cancer- says researchers. Just after stepping in mid 20’s if ladies starts increasing their skirt size in every decade, they are quite likely suffer from breast cancer after their stage of menopause- commented by researchers at University…

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Revolution to TB – Breath test developed

The first breath test for Tuberculosis in the laboratory has been developed successfully by the researchers.  Under the standard method, rapid information on drug resistance takes place duly reported by the US scientist within the journal named nature communications. Within the period of 10 minutes, the bacteria of TB emit a very unique gas which…

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What is the right age for pregnancy?

While most experts argue that there is no “right time” when it comes to starting a family, however, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to getting pregnant. Not only do the fertility rates fluctuate over time, but also there are a number of other concerns that can plague the individual….

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