
Tips for partners in pregnancy

It would not be wrong we say women do most of the works and more active participant when it comes to pregnancy. The baby grows in woman’s uterus, therefore, she has to struggle more while getting comfy at night and giving birth. Though you have lack of uterus, still you can be a great supporting…

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Changes in your body during third trimester

The third trimester of pregnancy makes your routine more difficult. Your body begins to feel heavier than the previous time. During the third trimester, you need to give extra efforts for doing everything even you can experience the difficulties in standing up from sitting and getting out of the bed as well in walking. You…

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Changes in your body in first trimester

During the first trimester of pregnancy your experience will be full of different feelings. You will be excited some time and scary also you can even go through the anxiety and stress. There are some obvious changes during the first trimester like your periods stop that let you know whether you are pregnant. You will…

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Is X-ray safe during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you need to take better care of your self and your baby. There are many things that you must notice to prevent the complications in your pregnancy. Make sure the medication and foods you are taking have no harms to your baby. An x-ray is one of the safety precautions that makes you…

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How does swine flu effect pregnancy

Swine flu is a transmissible respiratory disease. It is also called swine influenza because it affects the pig regularly. The people who are in direct touch with the pig they are usually affected, even it is transmissible from person to person. The H1N1 virus affects the people with swine flu. When you are pregnant that…

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