There are people who love to decorate all the parts of the body. Some drape clothes that are fashionable and some wear jewelry. There are mehandi designs that look stunning on your feet. These will be good for you to copy for using at any occasion.
Simplicity of floral

It is the simplicity yet beautiful intricacy of this floral feet mehendi design that appeals so much to women of all ages. The trail begins horizontally near the thumb and forms a semi arch and accelerates right up to the ankle of the feet. The design almost appears as it were on a fabric woven by a master weaver. The dotted arch simply adds to the appeal of the design, and further beautifies it. The dotted design resembles that of the Indian traditional gold mala worn by goddesses and queens alike.
Exquisite beauty of golden red hue

A significant part of Middle Eastern and South East Asian wedding culture which has been appreciated by all across the globe is that of applying Mehendi. Mehendi designs such as this, is appropriate for the bride who wishes to decorate their hands and feet in a golden-red hue. Covering the toes and inwards of the feet this floral mehendi design is a beautiful and enchanting. Starting with the dome, the design looks as if it flows downwards right to the toes just like a beautiful fall.
Traditional floral pattern for feet

Detailing and precision are the keywords of this beautiful floral mehendi design. The design has a touch of modernity for its trail like feature. It begins right at the thumb and accelerates all the way up to above the ankles. Filled with semi circles, dots, hat feathers, rangolis, this design reflects the beauty of Indian culture. The slant adds to the beauty, reflects the intricacy without making it appear cluttered.
Sunflowers adds to the auspiciousness

This mehendi floral design is a true specimen of a work of art. The use of sunflowers in this design has made it all the more beautiful and auspicious. The sunflower in a lot of cultures is considered to bring renewal, happiness and hope. This is a purely modern take on traditional floral design, and the use of faint mehendi dots on the background highlights the central flowers and the end designs.
Artsy and simple floral pattern

An exquisite floral mehendi design, which blends together variety of different shapes, this is a modern take on traditional designs. The use of checkered flowers bordering the sides of the central lotus adds a contemporary touch to it. The lotus flower is considered extremely auspicious in Indian culture, and symbolizes both wealth and good health. The design begins and ends with wavy lines surrounding the flowers.
Traditional Arab flower design

This is a traditional floral mehendi design, and has been adorned by brides and maidens on weddings and traditional festivals. The use of flowers all throughout the design adds to it the Arabic touch, while the use of leaves attached to the flowers is specifically Indian. The floral motifs cover all the five toes of the feet and transcends with the same pattern.
Modern flowers in golden hue

This foot looks gorgeous with the simple design etched with golden color. The design adds charm to the feet and you can match the design with any gorgeous dress that you want to wear. Looks cool in summer and is far away for the common designs seen each day.
Arabic design with crystals

Floral designs from Arabic texts are good for your feet. You can match them with crystals in colors that your dress is. The nails are painted as per the crystals and the exquisite design brings brightness to the attire.
Intricate design similar to hands

Some designs go well with feet and hands too. This one is such design that adds classical shade to your limbs. The designs are floral patterns that are done with brownish mehandi. The nets in the flower petals and the leaves add continuity in both hands and legs.
Floral pattern with kalka and chains

Floral pattern is done on the fingers and the side of the feet. The middle part has got a lace pattern that adds a grace to the feet. The pattern starts from the toes and travels diagonally upward towards the ankle.
Floral design with peacock motif

Exquisite designs with fine lines complete the pattern. The middle of the feet has got a peacock pattern and the rest of the feet are done with floral petals. The fingers are covered with small leaves and the design covers the whole feet area and travels towards the knees.
Brown mehandi shaping the petals

The feet look beautiful with the design and the nail color. The designs are done in floral pattern all over the feet. The small and big floral petals cover the feet with elegance and grace.
Designed jewelry with mehandi

Often you will find the jewelry for feet in such details. The jewelry is done in mehandi in these feet and the feet look magnificent. The nail color in the same shade gives prominence to the nails and the diagonal design snakes up towards the knees with simple elegance.
Feet done with intricate flowers

This foot design shows a concentration of netted design in the front part of the foot. The central area is done with the floral motif that is again shaded with different color. The borders are green and dotted with red.
Gorgeous feet with glimmering design

The designs shown in this image look absolutely gorgeous and would match any dress that is chosen for celebrating wedding or other festivities. The feet have got a modern finish with the stones and glitters.
Simple floral design with stars

Brown mehandi is good for this design and it covers the fingers with small leaf like designs. The area below the index finger has got the main designs and the motif travels towards the knees to give it an exquisite finish.
Flowery design with small diamonds

A plain design is made with thick lines to enhance the beauty. The design contains flowers and leaves. The fingers are done with diamond shapes in different sizes. This makes the design elegant and graceful.
Purple glimmering design with small nets

This design is exquisite to look at. The purple color is used to make it gorgeous. The petals of the flowers are shaded with lighter brown and the buds and dots are done with the purple color. Nets and small arches add bewitching beauty.
Floral sandal for your feet

Stunning sandal is created with mehandi in this design. The small flowers together weave a look that resembles a sandal for feet.
Net effect with mehandi motifs

Net or lacey motif with small net like diamonds and dots add significance to this design. The whole picture comes as a lacey covering for the designed feet. This idea is stunning and makes the feet look classically ravishing.
Ravishing designs with flowers and chains

Designs for the feet can be creative and these feet look specially so with the intricate designs. The floral patterns add glory for the person wearing them. The chains make a perfect boundary and the effect is classic.