How to lose weight on back and sides? – Ways to reduce back and side fat

Do you think your back does not look good enough to put on backless dresses? Have you notice pouches of fats at the sides of your back when you put on something skimpy, like the swim suit? Fat at the back and sides is a problem for many. It looks odd and can prevent you from putting on the dresses of your choice. The visceral fat responds to exercise and that is the best part of it, because it indicates that you can lose this fat through exercising. When you are trying to lose the back fat, you have to keep in mind that while some exercises can be more effective to tone up your back, as a whole you have to lose weight. Losing weight only from a particular part of your body is not possible and hence first you have to focus on overall weight loss along with targeted exercises to tone up the back muscles.

In this article first we will provide you with some diet tips that can be helpful to lose extra weight and you need to couple these dieting tips with proper targeted exercises as mentioned in the next section of this article to lose the fat pouches at the back and the sides.

The right diet for weight loss at back

How to lose weight at back

To lose weight from the back and from your body overall, it is important to start with a diet that is filling yet less in calorie. The excess fat can burn out only when you are taking in a diet that does not give more calories to store. So, include more of vegetables and fruits that are loaded with vitamins, minerals to nourish your body and dietary fibers to fill your stomach but are not high in calorie.

Limit the amount of fats you take in daily. Red meat, butter, whole milk, cheese get rid of all of them. Also change your regular cooking oil for olive oil and keep an eye on how much oil you use for preparing your daily dishes. Reduce the number of times you visit the restaurant and stop unhealthy snacking, instead munch on fresh fruits when you are hungry in between meals.

You also need to check the total carbohydrate intake in your diet as excess carbs are easily stored in the body. One source of high calorie that we often overlook is sugar and artificial sweeteners. To lose weight it is really vital that you not only minimize but remove the excess sugars and artificial sweeteners from your diet. Stay away from ice creams, chocolates, cakes, pastries at least for the time being, and if your sweet tooth gives you trouble, devour on a sweet fresh fruit.

How to lose weight at thighs

Apart from taking the right diet, taking it in the right way and during the right time also has an important role in boosting the metabolism process of the body which can be most helpful to lose extra weight from the back and from the body overall. Instead of having three big meals, take 4-5 small meals throughout the day. Make it a point to have your diner by 7.30pm in the evening and never take a heavy dinner. Also drink plenty of water to keep your body metabolism at peak. Once you have implemented these changes in your regular diet and lifestyle, the next things you need to do is to start with a perfect exercise regime as discussed below.

Cardio is the key to lose back and side fats

Cardiovascular exercises can be very effective to boost the fat loss process. When you are on the right diet as mentioned above and maintaining a cardio session of 60 minutes at least 5 days a week, you are sure to experience weight loss within a month. The best thing about cardio vascular exercises is that they are simple and dos not need you to go to the gymnasium or spend on expensive equipment to practice. Running in your backyard, skipping the rope in your study room, climbing the stairs up and down repeatedly, dancing in the tune of a quick music all can serve the purpose of effective cardio exercises.

If you want to make your cardio workout more interesting you can easily take up any active sports. Football, basketball, tennis, badminton, swimming, indulging in any of these at least for 1 hour 5 days a week can give you effective weight loss benefits particularly when you are on the right diet.

Targeted exercises for toning back muscles

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While cardio exercises will give you overall fat loss effects, to tone up the back and sides perfectly it is important to include some targeted exercises in your regimen as well. Some of the best targeted exercises that can help you lose weight on the back include,

Push ups

Push ups

Push ups work your abs as well as your back muscles. They can be most effective in losing the fats at the sides of back quickly. However, push ups primarily focus on the upper part of the back. Lie on the floor on your stomach and place your hands beside your shoulder. Bring your feet together and place the toes firmly on the floor. Now push your body up with your hands, hold the highest position for a moment or two and then lower your body down but do not touch the floor. You need to start with at least 8 sets of 3 repetitions and then increase as you go.

Pull ups

Pull ups

How to reduce thigh fat

Bar hanging might not be easy to start with, but if you are able to practice it properly, losing back and side fats is only a matter of time. Hanging from the rod with your hands straight and pulling your body up and then down works out the back muscles and the muscles of the arms really well giving you quick muscle toning benefits. You need not to perform a lot of pull ups to start with, but increase the number as you go.

Side fly

Side fly

Side fly with two dumbbells in hands can be most effective to get rid of the back and side fats. Stand straight on the floor with your feet shoulder apart holding one dumbbell in each of the hands. Now bend your upper body from the waist and bring it in a somehow parallel position with the floor without bending your knees. At the starting your hands with dumbbells should be together and hanged towards the floor. Now lift your hands to their sides, extending them fully to reach a parallel line with your shoulder. Once you reach the maximum position, hold it for few moments and then take your hands back slowly to the starting position. You need to do 10 sets of 3 reps to start with for the best results.

Dumbbell row

Dumbbell row

How to lose weight fast

Use an exercise table to do this exercise. Place your left leg on the table bent from the knee and your left hand before your knee to lower your upper body and bring it to a parallel position with the table. The dumbbell should be in your other hand. Now you need to extend the hand with the dumbbell fully towards the floor and then trace back. Do it at least for 10 times for a single hand and then change sides. You need to do at least 4 sets of 5 reps.

Dumbbell side bend

Dumbbell side bend

To lose weight from the sides of your back, dumbbell side bends can be another effective yet easy exercise. Take one dumbbell in your right hand and stand on the floor with your spine erect and feet shoulder apart. Place your left hand on your waist and bend your upper body to the right side, while extending your right hand with the dumbbell fully towards the floor. Your body should not bend from the waist. Once you reach the maximum side bent position hold it for few moments and then trace back. Repeat for 12-15 times and then start with the other hand. Do at least 6 sets of 5 reps.

Rowing machine

Rowing machine

Yoga poses to get rid of back fat

If you have access to a rowing machine then you should not miss the chance of using this system for toning up your back. Rowing machines are one of the most effective systems that can tone up your back muscles and can help you to get rid of the back and side fats. You should spend at least 15 minutes on the machine at a stretch to get the best results.

Yoga Asanas for losing back and side weight

There are some particular yogasana poses that can be effective to tone up your back muscles. Some of these poses include,

Vasisthasana or the side plank pose

Vasisthasana or the side plank pose

This asana can effectively tone up your back muscles. To do this asana get to the plank position and then turn your body to one side lifting your hand upwards. Your body should make a 45 degree angle with the floor and both of your hands should be perpendicular on the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then get back to the starting position. Repeat with the other hand.

Dhanurasana or the bow pose

Dhanurasana or the bow pose

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Lie on your stomach and then lift your legs upwards bending them from the knees. Make sure that the legs are apart from each other. Now pull your upper body upwards and hold your ankles with your hands to reach the bow pose as shown in the picture above. You should feel the strain in your back and abs, hold this position for 30 seconds and then get back to the starting position.

Salavasana or locust pose

Salabhasana or locust pose

Salabhasana also focus on the back muscles and can be effective to give you fat free toned back. Lie on your stomach and then pull your legs and your upper body upwards without bending from the knees or the waist. Extend your hands backwards to maintain a tension. Hold the position for as long as you can and then relax.